In this article we investigate the flywheel concept and learn how it may be used for charging batteries and also enhance to work at the overunity level.
What is a Flywheel
According to Wikipedia, A flywheel is a spinning mechanized machine utilized to stock and release rotational power.
Flywheels are seen to possess an inertia, termed the "moment of inertia" which therefore resists alterations in rotational to their speeds, much like the mass (inertia) of an automotive system prevents its acceleration.
The level of power trapped in a flywheel is proportional to the square of its rotational movement.
Energy is delivered to a flywheel by the utilization of a torsional power to it, consequently raising its rotational velocity, and as a result its accumulated power. On the other hand, a flywheel produces collected energy by making use of torsional power to a physical load, consequently lowering the flywheel's rotational rate.
Typical applications of a flywheel incorporate:
Offering nonstop energy where the source of energy is discontinuous. As an illustration, flywheels are utilized in reciprocating motors since the power source, torque from these motors, are irregular.
Dispensing energy at rates beyond the capability of a persisting source of energy.
This is often accomplished by gathering energy in the flywheel progressively then simply discharging the energy swiftly, at rates that surpass the capabilities of the source of energy.
Managing the alignment of a mechanised equipment. In this kind of usages, the angular speed of a flywheel is specifically routed as a torsional power to the connecting mechanized system while energy is moved to or from the flywheel, consequently provoking the connecting equipment to move into certain expected position.
Flywheels are ideally made from steel and move over special high grade bearings; these are typically confined to a revolution value of several thousand RPM.
A number of contemporary flywheels are constructed of carbon fiber components and implement magnetic bearings, making it possible for these to rotate at rates up to 60,000 RPM.
The above discussion clearly states that flywheels have the potentials to generate an output power that may much higher than the input once it has been rotated to some specified high speed.
From the above discussion we can conclude that using a flywheel an overunity electricity generator can be achieved without much complications and skepticism.
Considering Flywheel as an Effective Free Electricity Generator
In a one of my earlier posts I have discussed a similar concept using a pendulum and have tried to convey the method of using it for achieving overunity limits.
In this article we'll see how a flywheel can be used for executing an overunity result, and derive over 300% more output than the applied input.
In the diagram below we can see a simple flywheel with a motor set up:

This can be seen as a manual electricity generator using a flywheel wherein the flywheel needs to be pushed occasionally for sustaining a consistent rotation over the attached motor.
The motor wires can be appropriately terminated with a battery for acquiring the proposed free electricity from the set up.
The advantage of this set up is that once the flywheel is rotated with the specified maximum torque, the rotational can be sustained by pushing the flywheel with significantly less amount of energy.
Although efficient, the above set up may not look too impressive due to the requirement of an individual all the time near the system.
Using Flywheel for Generating Free Electricity
In the above sections I have explained regarding how a flywheel can be used for generating excess electricity from its stored potential energy when it's given a swift spin using an external torsional force. In the following discussions we'll learn how the system can be made into a perpetual motion without the need of any external intervention.
In our last discussion we understood the naturally attributed overunity feature of a flywheel, and learned how it can be used like an efficient machine for generating free electricity with the help of a frequently applied external minimal sustaining force to it.
However, in order to transform the flywheel into a free electricity generator andalmost perpetual, and automatic without the requirement of any manual intervention, the following shown smart idea can be incorporated.
The Flywheel Circuit Setup

If the explanation provided in Wikipedia is believed to be correct, then the above design should work as per the proposed overunity concept here.
In the design above we can see an appropriately calculated flywheel, motor, and a battery circuit set up.
How it Works (Overunity)
The figure shows the top view of the flywheel, the attached motor being right under the flywheel, shown in a pixelated form.
The motor wires are connected to a battery which needs to be charged, via a blocking rectifier diode (1N5408). This diode makes sure that the voltage from the battery remains blocked while the energy from the motor is allowed to reach the battery.
A PNP transistor network can also be witnessed, whose base is configured with a reed switch.
The reed switch is supposed to be activated through an embedded magnet sealed at the edge of the flywheel.
Initially the switch connected in series with the negative wire is kept toggled off, and the flywheel is given is tight rotational spin (torque) manually or with any desired external means.
A soon as this is executed, the switch is immediately toggled ON.
Here the flywheel dimension is assumed to be significantly large such that the "switch ON" action (battery connected) inflicts only a minor resistance to the torque of the flywheel.
Once the above action is initiated, the motor instantly begins generating and supplying electricity to the battery.
Also in the course of its rotational cycle, the magnet attached with the flywheel edge begins switching the corresponding reed switch intermittently.
The reed switch in turn switches the PNP transistor at the same rate creating momentary short across the 1N5408 diode so that during these instants the battery power is reverted to the motor for applying back the required sustaining torque to it.
The 2200 uF capacitor further aids to this and reduces the load on the battery each time the transistor switches ON.
Now since the reed switch is toggled only for a fraction of time of each complete rotation from the flywheel, except for these periods, the rest of the rotational length of period is used for generating free extra electricity for the battery.
It implies that while the flywheel is rotating only a fractional energy from the battery is used for sustaining its optimal torque, while a significantly large amount of its energy is transferred to the motor for generating an equivalent amount of charging current for the battery.
The above explained scenario ensures a perfect self-sustaining flywheel system which becomes capable of generating free electricity in excess tow hat is being used as its sustaining input.
The shown 2200 uF capacitor may be increased to some higher value and if possible super capacitors can be tried for further enhancing the efficiency of the system.
Feedback from Mr. Mark Baiamonte
Can you use a 3 phase washing machine motor and how would it be wired? I have been fooling atound with a windmill and got it to work but not enough wind. You plans are excellent and i would love to try it. Here is my motor.
Solving the Query
A 3 phase motor could be difficult and confusing to wire with the shown flywheel circuit, because the motor would need a 3 phase to single phase DC conversion and a DC to 3 phase reception from the transistor...
Finalized Flywheel Design By Mark
I built the flywheel and it works! I only had a 2200uf 16volt. I used a motor from a treadmill.
What the biggest size capacitor i could use? Thank you very much. This is the first thing i made like this. I enjoyed it very much.
Only sorry i didn't start fooling around with this kind of stuff at a younger age. Thank you again for your design and your time.
Mark Baiamonte Ashley,
My Response
That's great Mark, thanks for updating the info.
The capacitor value is not critical, however bigger values might help to increase the efficiency of the system, so you could try adding a a couple of more 2200uF in parallel.
Best Regards
A Few Optimization Tips from Mr. Thamal Indika
I saw a big difference by attaching a 4700uf capacitor to the motor terminals and the speed of the fly wheel increased significantly. At the same time i checked the out put of the motor and it is about 6.5 V . I am going to rotate another motor by that output current and using that separate motor i can create a good generator by moving magnets on a fixed coil.
I hope to use super magnets like N38 (Diameter 2CM, Width 1CM) and use guage 20 coils . I can make an assembly for that and i will attach another fly wheel to the shaft attached to that separate motor so that the speed will be increased. . Then it will generate more that 12 V current and about 2 A. Also i can change the amount of ampere by attaching more coils . Then i can give that out put current to the 7.4 V 1A Dialog Router battery and it will charge well.
I think this is a good modification to your circuit design and instead of giving the output current of the battery through a rectifier , i am going to rotate another separate motor by that current and thus running a generator and supply the output of the generator to the battery. please note at present i use a 7.4V 2A Dialog Router with a 6V cassette motor for your design and the speed of the fly wheel increased significantly by attaching a 4700uf capacitor to the terminals of the 6V cassette motor .
It brought some successful results. I just checked the charger of this battery and it is 12V 1A charger . I hope i will be able to create a generator that would provide 12V 1A.
With over 50,000 comments answered so far, this is the only electronics website dedicated to solving all your circuit-related problems. If you’re stuck on a circuit, please leave your question in the comment box, and I will try to solve it ASAP!
Since 16 years, I have been dealing with angular energy electricity generation systems (R&D). My positive designs about angular continue. In this regard, my own financial means are insufficient, I had meetings with many businessmen, they accepted the financing of the project, but they gave up when it came to signing a protocol, that is, when it came to formalisation. If there is an entrepreneur who will take firm steps with me on this path, who is idealistic, has financial means and wants to make an official protocol, I would like to meet. 98% of the published videos are wrong and do not work. I know the mistake they all make.
How can I bring the electricity generated out?
how fast will the battery recharge itself?
im guessing you can use this to top up a low battery too? basically a dead battery charger?
It will depend on the flywheel size.
Yes it can be used for keeping a battery topped up, but might not be suitable for dead batteries.
Can I use this to operate two 1.5hp borehole pumps on the farm. Thanks
Sir, can you extract power from this device to power another device when this particular device is running
I don;t think that’s possible.
what if i integrate a car alternator to constantly charge the battery, in place of a diode rectifier, connected through a belt and pulley attachment to the flywheel shaft, would that be fine ?
Does it matter if the flywheel is vertical or horizontal placed for the operation to be optimal ?
Best Regards,
Kim Jensen
Hello, I don’t think it really matters whether the flywheel is held vertically or horizontally.
Dear Sir Swagatam
Hello. You have probably seen many fake videos about free electricity production on the Internet. I will send you a video in this case to your Email address that a friend has sent me and I hope this one is real . Those fake videos remind me of the story of a man sitting by the sea with a bowl of yogurt and pouring spoonfuls of yogurt into the water and stirring it with the spoon. A passerby asked him: “what are you doing”? The man replied: “I am producing yogurt”. The passerby said: “but you cannot turn the sea water into yogurt with a bowl of yogurt”, and he answered:” I know, but imagine how much yogurt I will own/have if the sea water turns into yogurt”.
Waiting for your hopeful answer, I remain
with best wishes
Thank you Dear Ali,
I saw the video which you sent me. Unfortunately it is also one of those fake videos from youtube, and the results are impossible to achieve through the shown setup.
Dear Sir Swagatam
Hello. Thank you so very much for answering me. Please apologize for taking your precious time.
He who never forgets your kindness
Affectionately yours
No problem Ali, You are most welcome!
Good day sir. I read the explanation and you said that the motor will produce Power to the battery. I quote “Once the above action is initiated, the motor instantly begins generating and supplying electricity to the battery”. How is it possible that a DC motor will generate dc voltage or is it a special motor that will act as DC gen and dc motor? From your diagram, the transistor and reed switch function is to enable the motor to get supply from battery to motor. Please sir explain
Hi Emmanuel,
When a DC motor shaft is rotated by an external force the motor starts generating electricity, that’s a standard working principle of all DC motors.
Yes that’s right the transistor and reed switch function is to enable the motor to get supply from battery to motor.
I have started building my own flywheel to generate electricity to be stored for waiting on the mail to bring me the rest of what I need,wish me luck!
Sounds great! I wish you all the best with the project!
Sir engineer Swagatam
Hello. A friend of mine has recently sent a video regarding generating electricity using magnetic field. I sent it to your Email to please check out and tell me weather it is real and if so, would you do a favor and introduce it as a project in your site along with technical features of it such as type of magnet, size and diameter of screw and so on?
Thank you in advance
Wish you all the best
Hello Mehrdad,
that is a 100% fake video and will never work. There are many such videos on youtube created to fool the audience, so please do not build them.
Sir engineer Swagatam
Hello. I thank you very much for your reply.
Wish you all the best
You are welcome Mehrdad!
I wish you guys would stop wasting your time, you are NEVER going to get more energy out of a system than you can put in, the law of conservation of energy has stood the test of time for centuries for good reason.
Consider this, you start with a flat battery and spin it up by hand, the battery will never charge and the flywheel will lose momentum and stop.
All this system does is maintain the speed of the flywheel while slowly depleting a charged battery.
Your comment about Flywheel energy . Yes its true about Law of Conservation however what about Pulsed motors and Flywheel Generators producing 1 amp of pulse into the battery.
In light of super capacitors coming online. What I”m saying is … can you not produce energy slightly
faster than your dispersing it. That is to save on specific amperage or milliamperage loads say for example
a household air conditioner. It eats like 16 amps to operate but if you could differ most of that lost energy
you energy bill would sure come down.
thank you
“Your comment about Flywheel energy . Yes its true about Law of Conservation however what about”…..
Hello sir.i would need to try this concept with high power motor and generator,around 1500w-2500w.its looks practical I mean.i have a certain suggestion since I deal with car alternator works.any generator spins at certain speed to produce power.according to me ,this rotation is essential for the stator coils to experience changing flux.hop it’s clear.i want to design a generator which does not require spinning power but I will use an oscillator driver to control the magnet polarity inside the stator coil,, through the field excitation coil like car alternators do. about 50hz to 100hz frequency.though stationary,the stator coils will still experience changing flux as of moving generator.think of a inverter transformer….is that practical sir..please reply sir
Sorry Yusuf, I have no idea about the details and the questions that you have asked, since my expertise is with the electronic circuits only.
Yusuf…. Seems you are correct. What’s the status right now?
Can anything from the Earth’s Rotation affect the energy stored in a Flywheel? If this is in the text already, I am sorry and I might have just passed that part. I really need this for my project.
Sorry, I have no idea about it!
The Earth is not spinning. It is stationary and closed with firmament. Under the firmament rotate the Sun and the Moon.
hello friend,,
i have tried build this mechanism ,as the followoi circuit explained above,
the stuff i have are
6v rechargable battery,
3v small dc motor ,
the electronic component i use are same as your circuit,
But , its still stop ,lost power after about 3hours,
is it may be because the batterey and the motor i use are to small?
Hello Alex, the motor and battery specs must match, a 3V motor cannot be used to charge a 6 V battery.
ok …thankyou brother…
i will replace my motor ,
i have tried to change the battery with 3v,but its not strong enough to rev the motor at high rpm,,
can i change the others parts,
the transistor,or diode maybe ,so its can run with both just 3v motor and battery??
Please try heavier flywheel, 6V motor and 6V battery. the motor amp output must be at least 7 time less than the Ah.
other parts does not need to be changed
i will change my motor,
about flywheel,
i think its already too heavy,
for 3v motor,
i made flywheel with 45mm diameter, and 8mm thickness,
its slow at start with using 3v motor and battery,
need several second to rev high,
OK, but the flywheel needs to be moved with hand initially at full speed, only then it may start producing the intended results.
Well,thank you brother for replay me …
i planning to add some piezo element instead of coil and magnet or athers motor infront of the motor and flywheel ,and some mechanic attached so the flywheel hit piezo element and generate electricity,
in my test ,piezo need very little forces to generate electricity,
and i hope it will increase efisiency of this system,
electricity generates by piezo,,i will draw it to recharge the battery too,
and,because i add more than one piezo,the others i will use to charge another battery so i can use this battery to power any othets electric device,
can you suggesst me,
a circuit which to make the electricity from piezo is can charge the battery?
No problem Alex, the current from a piezo will be negligibly small to charge any form of battery.
thank you Brother,
I keep going on to do this project,
first ,build the small scale with 100% work,,,
,pocket size,,so people can use this to charge their gadget,cellphone,laptop,etc even when no comercial electricity avaiable
,i think its good enough if the battery as power source can keep running for few months,,,4-5-6 or,
1 year, ,with 3-4hours daily use ,,4times/ day maybe,,,
No problem bro, I wish you all the best!
one more ..
aftet that 8hours,,
it was stoped because the reed swicth was damaged,i dont know why,,i let it running while i was sleep ,
maybe because i use the most cheap one so its weak,,
but,,,over that,,,my 3battery are remind have a power,
mean,if the reed switch was not damaged,the sytem still running,
You can replace the reed relay with a Hall effect device which will never get damaged due to high speed or frequency
good nite bro,..
its 00.30 am in my country,haha,
,i wish i can send you a video of my experiment,
would like to give me your Whatsaap maybe?
now iam running this device bro
i have made a simple reed switch,to replace the damaged one,,,
its about…,3hours ,and rpm are stabil,
hope its will keep run till tomorow
Thanks alek, I hope you will succeed with the project! Sorry, i discuss through comments only in this website, wattaspp is not possible.
hello brother Swagatam,
i have change 3v motor with 12v,
and i am using four 3.7v rechargable li ion battery,each 6800mAH,
so,is it right that for 6800mAH it is need at least 1.2Ampere current rate to charger the battery?
,but ,i dont realy know ,how much current generate by my 12v motor..
,maybe its preety to small,
and ,how i can boost the output ampere from my 12v motor?
or,do i need to change with 12v motor with higher rate Ampere?
thank you..
Hello Alex, I can’t suggest accurately without seeing your circuit practically, may be you can try the following concept instead to get improved results:
hello bro,
sorry for just reply now,..
i’ve done some modifitcation of thr circuit,
first i change motor with nee 12volt with output current about 150mAh,depend on rpm its rotate, then i use 3battery with lower Ampere/hours,
i found a 1.2volt baterry with just 700mAh,mean its need only 140mAh current to charge,,1,,use 3battery,
and i do modification on electronic too,
i use only diode,and reedswitch,
and my last trial,i can run this overunity 8hours with no drop rpm,
until my reed switch damage,,
i need better long life reed switch,
its work bro,
mean,there are big posibilty for us,to build a small to.medium scalle of what peoples around the world search,develop,
a free electricity
,i will keep going on on this project,
That’s great bro, appreciate your efforts!
based on trial i have done,
which is in small size,
use only 3×1.2volt battery,
small flywheel ,65mm diameter,
,i assume that,its will work better with larger scale,
,12volt 3ampere DC motor,
,12 volt 5Ah battery,
,and absolutly,bigger and heavier flywheel,
,multiplying that 65mm,so its good to use about 650mm flywheel,
the flywheel sure,its the key ,the heart of this system,
and based on my trial, the shape of the flywheel are the most critical factor instead of the weight
with the same weight but bigger diameter,and less thick,and consentratting its mass weight pn its radian, ,mean, the flywheel has a less weight near its center
Thank you for your valuable research, hope this info will help the other readers to optimize the system better!
hello Bro,
more and more iam investigate about this prjoect,
i found that,
its need more calculations ,i found a relations between RPM-reed switching-Charging period- magnetic field afected by the RPM too,
,Mean,with high RPM ,which is need to make the motor generate strong enough electricity to charge the battery,,,the high RPM causes in ‘need some calculations to control the time/period of reed switching,
seems,..i need add another method to replace the reedswitch,to ensure the charge period keep.bigger no matter how high RPM its rotate,
No issues bro, I appreciate your dedication, keep up the good work…you can add a Hall sensor instead
Hi.where can i find a diagram with specific specs for this
The only problem to make this concept work on large scale is LENZ. By large scale, I mean placing coils on a stator and using the flywheel effective concept to rotate magnet over the coils. So the solution is to wind coils of equal length of wire, connect the coils in clockwise counter-clockwise fashion and then make the Mandy dc oriented by placing one part all North pointing out and other side all South pointing out. Thereafter close the magnetic open field of individual magnet with metal plates on the back of the rotor which is also acting as flywhrel.
I wish I can add pictures to this comment for everyone to understand what I saying in words here.
Appreciate your feedback Dare, you can send the pics to my email, I’ll post them under your comment.
hello sir ,
I need to know (How to generate electricity for free using a magnetic energy and Flywheel to light a bulb
Hellow sir, highly appreciate your quick reply. Nearly 60v is required to run the motor at maximum rpm.And on the other hand output current becomes 3-4A at 12v only if rpm is nearly 2000. So with nearly 50v and nearly 0.3A charging a 12v battery isn’t possible? Anyway I will try with the setup. Is the circuit ok for higher voltages.
Thank you Ravindra, as far as I understand using intermediate converters will not work for this application. If the motor is 60V then the battery will also need to be 60V rated.
Wish you all the best!
You can also refer to this Bedini charger, having similar set up
Thanks for your Contribution to Flywheel energy, my question is can a treadmill motor be helpful in this Flywheel energy?
Thanks, If it is a permanent magnet type motor, then maybe it can be tried
Thanks your reply, yes it is, but I have no idea with whole Concept if you can enlighten me the basics I appreciate
Hellow sir, thanks for your early Devo motor is brushed and a DC motor.and works as a regular DC motor with rpm of 3000. Input needs to be given with a step up circuit (I am having one 10v to 30v input & 12v to 60v output) when it works as a DC generator step down circuit has to be used.(I am having that too.10A 5v to 60v input and 12v output) is it possible to modify the circuit.
Hello Ravindra, then you can try it. Connect it directly with the shown circuit without any converters. Converters may reduce the overall efficiency.
You can also try the concepts presented in the following article:
hellow Sir,
kindly instruct me, I am having a 72v 110w servo motor and hope to experiment with flywheel energy following your circuit. kindly let me know if it is possible with the motor and step up and down circuits and a 12v battery. If yes ! what are the changes that should be done to the existing circuit. And the way to calculate the flywheel. Thanks for your instructions in advance.
Hello Ravindra, I am not sure whether a servo motor will work or not. According to me it should be a regular brushed DC motor.
Dear Swagatam Sir, I could not send you a message for very long time. Actually i was able to create a rotor with 8 magnets and using my A3144 Magnet sensor hall effect circuit i was able to see a good rotation with much speed . i used two electromagnetic coils to drive the rotor and my work has been successful. This weekend i am winding some generator coils and there will be 7 generator coils and i will fix them to the stator of my Electromagetic Generator. I hope i can charge my 7.4 V 2A Dialog Router Batter y well using my Electromagnetic Generator and the current for driving my rotor is also taken by this battery. I hope i can run my generator for many days without and voltage drop of the battery. Because it is being charged by my 7 generator coils . I am going to give the out put current to the battery through a LM 317 Regulator circuit and i just need to make my generator self running by attaching more generator coils and directing the output current to the magnet sensor hall effect circuits as done by the “Bill Muller Self Running Over Unity Device” I will inform you about my work . These Days i am much happy as my rotor is running very smoothly with a reasonable high speed. Best of luck to you .
That’s great KK, glad to know about your progress…wish you all the best!!
Dear Swagatam sir, I am K.K. Thamal Indika from Sri Lanka and i am really sorry that i could not send you a reply for a long time due to some personal problems. Another thing is i could not find a suitable motor in sri lanka for the fly wheel free energy battery system designed by you . Ultimately i decided to import a 12V 1A 5000 RPM permanent magnet DC motor . It will take much time to be shipped to sri lanka from UK. Now i just need to know from you how can i create a Battery over charge protection unit and i feel if the battery is over charged it would be a great problem. If you have a good circuit diagram please send it to me .
Dear Thamal, no problems, please do it whenever it’s most favorable to you.
here’s the circuit which you can apply for ensuring a full charge cut off:
you can ignore the BC547 stage and the 3 ohm resistor, theses may not be required.
Dear Swagatam Sir, Thanks so much for replying me. Actually i am going to create a different set up to your fly wheel battery design as the required good motor cannot be found in sri lanka. So i am going to design a motor . My components are as follows .
7.4 V 2A Dialog Router Li lithium Iron Battery
Battery overcharge cut off unit.
My designed motor .
As for the my designed motor i am going to attach 8 magnets for a rotor and i will use a coil with a ferrite core to run the rotor . For that i will use magnet sensor hall switch circuit with A 3144 Magnet Sensor. I will also attach 10 generator coils with ferrite cores in front of the other rotor magnets to generate electricity when the rotor is running . I will use the above battery to give power to my motor through a one coil and the electricity generated by other 10 coils could be supplied to charge the battery . I will also attach a fly wheel to the shaft of my motor so that i hope the rotation speed will be high.
I think this is much similar to your concept of Free Energy Fly Wheel Battery System but the advantage is i can attach some more coils and magnets to create more power.
As for the Battery Over Charge control unit, Now i need a Battery Over Charge control unit suitable for my 7.4 V 2A Dialog Router Battery. I sent you a e-mail to your e-mail with an attachment of a circuit and please check your e-mail and reply me. But it is designed for 12V battery and i think the value of the Zenor Diode should be changed. It is a 11V zenor diode and please refer to the circuit design and kindly inform me a suitable value for that zenor diode. If you think some other changes for the components pl do not hesitate to inform me sir.
Actually i really need to know whether when the battery gets low this circuit will automatically switch on and connect the charger to the battery . I really know when the battery is fully charged this circuit will cut off the charger .
I hope you will reply me at your earliest.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused and you are the only person who can advise me swagatam sir. Best of luck to you .
Hi Thamal, I have checked the email, that’s not an automatic charger, that’s a meaningless circuit. That circuit will only restrict the output to a certain level. If you want to restrict the output then only the IC 317 circuit is enough, no need of the zener/transistor stage. Just adjust the LM317 to 14V and it will restrict the charging above this level.
For high or low cut off you will have to employ an opamp based circuit, no other simpler version will work
Dear Swagatam Sir,
Thanks so much for replying me. I hundred percent believe and trust you because you have years of working experience with the electronic science.
Then could you please send me an opamp based circuit, I just need to automatically switch on the charger when the battery gets low and at the same time switch off the charger when the battery is full.
I highly appreciate your kind help sir. Because i am much scared as my new setup have around 10 generator coils and i will directly connect them to the battery through rectifiers . So i think the battery will be overcharged quickly as i use only one coil to run my designed motor through a magnet sensor hall effect circuit. So i take a very little current power from the battery to run my motor but the speed will get high because of my fly wheel
Hi Thamal, The low high cut of can be seen here:
But I would recommend you to initially use a basic LM317 circuit and adjust it to slightly lower output than the battery’s full charge level for controlling the overcharge. Making an auto cut off is unnecessary at this moment, and can be tedious, don’t worry about the low voltage, because presently you are only dealing with the charging of the battery.
Dear Swagatam sir, Thanks so much for your help. I also understand that the LM 317 circuit is enough for my work as i am going to charge a 7 .4 V, 2A Dialog Router Battery using 10 generator coils of my electromagnetic generator . When the battery is over charged the circuit will indicate.
I hope my new setup will work out. I will run my electromagnetic generator with one coil with magnet sensor hall switch circuit and electricity will be generated by 10 coils and then i will redirect the generated electricity to the battery . If you have much time please send me your idea on my new set up .
Thanks for the response Thamal, I hope it works for you, it can be confirmed only through practical testing, I won’t be able to suggest much because I do not have a thorough practical experience in this field yet.
Dear Swagatam Sir, I highly appreciate your fly wheel free energy device. i am from Sri Lanka and i am going to do this experiment and see whether a 12V /5A Lithium Iron Battery can keep charged for a long time if use your design . I am going to use a 12V 25W car fan motor to do this experiment. Could you please inform me this motor and the battery would be suitable to my experiment. i use a motor bike fly wheel to do this experiment. Your early response is greatly appreciated . your enthusiastic effort to create free energy is highly commendable. I think that car fan motor will produce 2A current. Would it be sufficient to charge this 12V/5A Battery. please help me sir. i am also really interested in creating a free energy device some day. i hope you will extend your kind assistance to me.
Thank you dear KK, I wish you all the best for the experiment.
However please note that I have not tested it practically, so I would advise you to first test it with a smaller set-up using smaller battery such as a 3.7V mobile battery. If you see positive results then you may certainly go for a bigger version of it.
A motor bike flywheel may not be able to produce a sustaining current for a 5A Li-ion battery, you may require a substantially large flywheel for it. But you can try it with a 3.7V cell.
If the car fan motor is a DC permanent magnet then surely it might do the job well.
You can also take the help of this article for further info.
Dear Swagatam Sir, Thanks so much for replying me and i am lucky enough to receive it from a well experienced Electronic Scientist like you. Actually i also have a knowledge about the Electronic Science and i have been referring about Free Energy Devices through the Internet for very long time . But i have seen many videos which are surely fake, Just a two weeks ago i just referred your design about fly wheel free energy device and scientifically i studied about it and i well realized that it would work practically. According to your advice , i am going to do a small scale experiment and i am going to use a 3.7 V mobile phone battery and a 12V , 500 ma, (Mili Ampere 500) cassette motor and a big raiser wheel removed from a vehicle as the fly wheel. i cannot use a 12V car fan motor for this work because it draws 12V 2.5 A from the battery,
Could you please explain me whether this small scale experiment would work out. I am so sorry to disturb your worth time , but i have a great curiosity to create a free energy device. Mr. Bill Muller in UK has created a working free energy device using magnets, coils and magnet sensor trigger circuit i think you will be able to see it though the internet. How ever i would like to know , what is your opinion about free energy ? And do they really work?
. Many scientists have said that free energy device is against the laws of physics. As an experienced scientist i would like to know your idea . Best of luck to you. i hope you will reply me. Especially , pl tell me the above components would be suitable for the small scale experiment.
Thanks KK, Free energy doesn’t necessarily mean creating devices which can produce more output than input. These devices are actually designed to channelize an existing idle energy for some useful purpose. For example when a machine is built using magnets to channelize the hidden potentials of a magnet that’s not free energy rather intelligent use of an existing resource. However when you hear people connecting two motors and creating free energy, then that’s completely fake because that violates the basic law of conservation of energy.
Yes you can try a cassette recorder motor for your experiment, and check the results
I wish you all the best!
Dear Swagatam Sir, Thanks so much for replying me again. Actually i have well realised that you are very kind generous person and otherwise who will waste their time to send replies for others. I totally agree with your suggestion that , the free energy devices are designed to channelize an existing idle energy for some useful purpose. When considered about the Bill Muller Free Energy Device , i think it is a working device . Magnets store Energy . When we cleverly counter balance them through timing , circuiting and designing we will be able to create a self running free energy device .
For your information , i have sent herewith the links for the Manual and the Video of Bill Muller Self Running Free Energy Device .
Manual For Bill Muller Self Running Free Energy Device
If you have much time , please refer to them sir. I am eager to know your ideas of the working possibility of this device.
Today is a Holiday in Sri Lanka . I was able to collect a 12V /0.5 A Cassette Motor, 3.7 Mobile Battery, Big Raiser wheel removed by a vehicle as the fly wheel . i am going to do this small scale experiment soon and will inform you about the results. i am sure i will succeed as i well studied your design and it is correct . I am going to attach a 2 feet diameter hard board rotor to the fly wheel and then i can attach a magnet for it for the trigger circuit. The raiser wheel removed from the vehicle has only 7 centimeter diameter and as far as i am aware it is not enough for trigger circuit.
please send me your views on my component selection , specially about the 2 feet diameter hardboard rotor i am going to attach to the fly wheel .
i am much pleased to have a good friend like you sir, Best of luck to you .
Favorably awaiting a reply from you
Dear KK, I checked the details and to me the muller motor looks convincing, because it is built with legitimate calculations, and there’s nothing mysterious in it. The energy is coming from the magnets, and we all know about the strange capability magnets have in the form of magnetic energy.
This concept has been proved over and over again by many scientists, so definitely all those cannot be false.
As for the our flywheel circuit, I trust it should work but since I have not yet tried it myself practically I can’t say much regarding the results. It might need some thorough tweaking until it works with perfection.
No changes would be required for the present experiment, you can use the same set up.
However a 3.7V cell might not be able to sustain a 12V motor for long, so this factor will need to be considered before experimenting 🙂
Wish you all the best!
Dear Swagatam sir,
Thanks so much for replying me. I am really happy to hear your decision about the self running muller free energy device because i completely trust you and my next experiment is to make this device .
As for our fly wheel free energy device , i also realised that the 3.7 cell phone battery will not sustain a 12V motor for a long . So that i collected a small motor removed from a computer CD Rom and i think it will be more suitable for our experiment. It is much small and do not draw much current form the battery and i checked it . I rotated it in a high RPM and it could light a LED with 2.2K resistor attached to the LED. So it may produce some current needed to charge a 3.7 v battery .
Other thing is it is much efficient than a 12V cassette motor despite the fact it is much small. So i think it is the best motor for our experiment.
I would like to know your comments on this subject . I am really sorry for disturbing you .
Thanks for responding KK, CD ROM motor are usually BLDC type but I think yours could be a normal permanent magnet type since it is generating the required voltage.
Yes this motor looks more suitable for a 3.7V cell compared to a 12V battery, you can try and it see if it works.
Make sure the peak voltage from the motor is around 4V minimum otherwise it won’t charge the battery
Hi Swag, I am quite sure that one of the layout that consist in two motors in series could be overunity or at least very efficent. I am speaking about the Tesla asymetric motor.
“Ufopolitic” eplained very well on youtube how this coilings work. Big motors begin to run with very low potential.
Hi Sebastiano, You may be correct, I have not investigated the topic yet, thanks for your interesting feedback.
Dear Swagatam Sir, Thanks for your encouragement. I am starting to create my electromagnetic generator tomorrow . In the week ends i am free and am employed as the Secretary for Foreign Affairs for a NGO in Sri Lanka. So in the weekdays i am unable to do the experiments . I hope i will succeed in my work . I am using the format of the Bill Muller Self Running Free Energy Device . I will use one coil to run the rotor and also attach another 10 coils for generating power.
for your information i have attached herewith the design of Mr. Bill Muller who was a famous scientist in UK and was able to create a self running free energy device .
My sole objective is to make my generator self running . i will try it after creating this set up . I think if i can attach some more fly wheels i can make my generator self running by redirecting the generated electricity power to input magnet sensor hall effect circuit to run the generator. i think fixing a 4700uf /25v capacitor would bring the successful results.
Howsoever , i need your active assistance and guidance to my experiments in the future sir. best of luck to you .
Thank you Thamal, I wish you all the best, and hope you succeed in your mission. If it is possible I’ll try to help you with my suggestions!
Dear Swagatam Sir, Thanks so much for replying me. In the last weekend i was able to finish a lot of work for my electromagnetic generator . I created the set up and assembly for it. I glued 10 CD s for fixing coil stators and 5 CDs for one stator . I glued another 5 CDs as the rotor . When the CD s are glued they are nor bendable and i am also going to attach a fly wheel for the shaft . Another thing is i finished creating the rectifier circuit using IN 4007 diodes to make DC current from the AC current created by coils . I will attach 4700 uf capacitor to make the current smooth.
I also finished the A3144 Magnet sensor hall effect circuit and in this weekend i will start winding the coils and attaching magnets to my rotor.
This is a very interesting and funny work for me sir and i have a big curiosity to create free energy device someday. i hope you will provide me necessary guidance. Best of luck to you sir
Thank you Thamal, we are all waiting for the results, hope you succeed soon!
Hi Swag. Greetings of the day to you sir. Wanted to know what might happen to this flywheel free energy device if we utilized a differential compound motor? I’m thinking it’ll run perfectly without slowing down when loaded. What are your thoughts?
Hi Stanley, thank you for the formula and the explanation, I’ll surely investigate the details.
However using a differential compound concept might not work, because it will require a significant amount of force to keep the wheel rocking which is against the basic flywheel principle. A flywheel should be extremely smooth and flexible with its movements in order to implement the required outputs.
Take the example of a bicycle hind wheel, it is heavily enhanced with ball bearing to make its movement as smooth as possible and that’s why after a few paddling we are able to enjoy a free ride for quite sometime.
Dear Swagatam Sir, Thanks so much for the reply. I just checked the CD Rom motor but it rotates my fly wheel in a very slow speed and the out put current seems to be not sufficient to charge the battery . Sir, i did some modifications to my 12v cassette motor as i attached some permanent magnets to the out side cover of it and the speed of the motor increased tremendously. At the same time it produced some sufficient current at a low RPM. So i think now i can use this motor with the 3.7 battery as it is more efficient and produces a more current now. .
Also i would like to know whether , what is the most suitable motor for the 3.7 V battery ?. According to your years of electronic experience i think you have the correct answer. Other wise can i use a 9V rechargeable battery with my modified 12v cassette motor . this motor has become more efficient now.
I am awaiting your answer to my two questions . best of luck to you sir. Today it is much hard to find good kind helpful people like you . I am sure the God will give you Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Thanks for the feedback KK, that looks great, according to me the most suitable motor in this case would be one that is able to generate above 5V at a reasonable speed. First you can try with a 3.7V cell, if it doesn’t give proper results then you can try a 9V cell. All these will need some serious trial and error process.
Dear Sir Thanks so much for your valuable advice. Actually you are a great strength to my life which i totally dedicate to the electronic science . My ultimate objective is to produce a free energy device in sri lanka. If i succeed in our fly wheel free energy device , then i will start the experiments to create the Bill Muller Free Energy Device . I was so happy about your positive response about the Bill Muller Free Energy Device and according my scientific knowledge i also thought it would be a working free energy device .
As per your advice the most suitable motor for our experiment is a motor generating above 5V at a reasonable speed. So may i use a 6V cassette motor with 3.7 cell battery . because of the smooth fly wheel it will increase the rotation speed and i think it would provide above 5V at a reasonable speed.
I am going to create a smooth fly wheel now. I got a CD ROM removed from a computer and normally when we put a cd to the cd plate it is running very smoothly . so i removed this cd plate and i am going to attach a suitable motor by shaft mounting without removing the original parts of the cd plate . Then i will put a cd for it and attach the raiser wheel removed from the vehicle with super glu. i think this may be a very smoothly running fly wheel as i did not remove any sort of original parts of the CD ROM.
I would like to know about your ideas of my smooth fly wheel and 6V cassette motor. Also i am going to attach some permanent magnets to this motor also , so that i can make the RPM high with the 3.7 battery . pl reply me if you have much time .
Hi KK,
I appreciate your keen interest to build a free energy device. I wish you all the best.
yes you can try a 6V motor also.
For creating a smooth flywheeel you may have to assemble the flywheel over compact, shielded ball bearing system. Here’s an image which shows a modern ball bearing module which you can try:
In your muler motor also the same type of ball bearing can be seen.
Dear Swagatam Sir, In the Last two days , i was really busy creating a smooth fly wheel . However i was able to create a suitable fly wheel for the 3.7 cell battery with a 6V cassette motor. it is running very smoothly now. But i did some modifications to your design.
1. I use two 6V cassette motors as the bearings for the fly wheel. These motors are very smooth and when rotated by my fingers they rotate quickly and there is no any friction and they really function as ball bearings. Another advantage is the other 6V motor generates some current when the fly wheel is rotated by the powering motor attached to your circuit design, Then through a rectifier i an going to supply that extra current to the battery and i hope it would charge more.
2. I am going to fix a 4700 uf condenser to your circuit so the load for the battery may be very low. I will also attach a 4700uf condensers to two motors so that we can get more smooth current from them.
3. I will attach some permanent magnets for the out side cover of each motor as i done earlier and i hope the rotation speed and the out put current would be increased simultaneously.
I am eager to know your suggestions on my new modifications . best of luck to you sir. Although there are many fake videos in the internet your design is much practicable and impressive as it has less components . .
Hi KK, yes you can proceed as per the mentioned methods and check how it goes.
However, whether connecting extra magnets on the motor will enhance the effect or not I am not sure about that….it might create more stress on the motor.
Dear Swagatam sir,
I was able to create a smooth fly wheel using two 6V cassette motors , But when i attach the 3.7 battery the fly wheel ran very slowly. May i use 6V U.P.S battery and a 6V bicycle dynamo.
Also i need to know what the efficient way to create current whether rotating a magnet upon a immovable coil or rotating a coil upon a immovable permanent magnet ?
Thanks KK for updating the info, the efficient option is to use a type of motor having rotating magnet and fixed coil, also called brushless motor…
Is the DC motor ( or generator) which is it? RPM s volts amps . How much voltage and current can the transistor handle ?
The motor could be a permanent magnet DC motor, I have only presented the concept here, the exact values will need to be verified with practical testing. For the transistor you can use TIP127 which will be able to handle upto 3 amps comfortably, enough for a small scale experiment.
Thanks Jim
Could you please explain to me how the reed switch works with the transistor? I can see the bye pass of the blocking diode but how does the base get any current? I am just learning but can grasp the transistor part.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Each time the flywheel magnet moves past the reed, the reed switch closes at that instant allowing the ground to connect with the transistor base, this in turn allows the positive from the battery to pass through the emitter of the transistor and then to its base and finally reach the ground, due to this the transistors is able to conduct during these short periods while the reed is ON.
Thank you,
I will make it but I have some question about above shown circuit diagram.
kindly reply all question.
1.the above motor & generator are same but what type of motor I can use?how much volt rated motor?how much current & rpm rated it should. this dc motor? much mass of flywheel? this only idea? will it work?how much percent you will give about it's working possibility
use a bicycle dynamo.
use a 2 feet diameter 5kg iron wheel for the flywheel
if you have doubts then please do not try this circuit….because the design might require a lot of fine-tuning and adjustments until the right balance is achieved for a sustained rotation.
where is the output of free energy?
what is the fundamental work of a reed sw. sir?
the output is used for charging the battery…a reed switch operates (closes) when a magnet is brought near it.
can you give flywheel size ?
can you explain what you mean (appropriately calculated flywheel) ?? can you give the sizing of flywheel compared to motor so that one can try it.??
I have just tried to present the concept through an innovative circuit, which might need improvements with practical experimentation, I have no formula to calculate the dimension of the flywheel
Below is a formula I think will give the dimension of the flywheel:
Power(P) = Torque(T) * angular velocity (w).
Or P=T*w
And T=inertia(i) *angular acceleration (a)
Or T=I*a
And i=1/2 *mass of flywheel (m) *radius of flywheel(r) ^2
Or T=1/2*mr^2*a
Or P=1/2*mr^2aw
Therefore : m=2*P/(mr^2aw)
Mass if flywheel can be determined if one knew the power that the wheel would deliver.
Are u test it
not yet…but the design looks pretty obvious and according to me it should work as proposed.
Hi I'm Dale
I was wondering just how large does the flywheel need to be. then I thought: }What if we used a windmill as a flywheel?
Design an RPM sensor so the only time the drive motor runs is when there is no wind. You would also have to protect from over speeds.
Hi Dale, yes windmill can be used as the flywheel, the RPM meter can be built using the following concept:
and the over-speed limiter using the following shunt regulator concept