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Transistor base Resistor Calculator
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Hello, good morning, thank you for your quick response. What I meant to say is, how do you calculate the resistance of the emitters when using transistors in parallel?
Hello Carlos, sorry, i could not understand what you meant by “Emisor transistor in parallel”.
Could you please provide more details on this?
Ali Khorshidi
2 years ago
please tell me how can i calculate voltage divider resistances for common emitter transistors in regulator or relay switching circuits .
and if we have voltage divider is still a base resistor necessary ?
Please search online for “Voltage divider formula” you will get it quickly.
No other resistor will be required when voltage divider is added to the base of the transistor.
Adriano Angeli
3 years ago
I observe the characteristics of the BC548 transistor in the transistor comparison table published by the ECA
The characteristics in your calculations do not match. If you are kind enough to tell me which book you are referring to. I thank
The above calculator is a standard transistor calculator software, so it cannot be wrong, but I have no idea why and how it may not be matching with your specified comparison table.
Glad to see somebody did this. I think it could be expanded to provide most or all of the numbers required for Dual Feedback Transistor Biasing if the right numbers are fed into it. Most of the numbers on for example could be worked out. I think, right now I want to build a preamp, not write a program.
With over 50,000 comments answered so far, this is the only electronics website dedicated to solving all your circuit-related problems. If you’re stuck on a circuit, please leave your question in the comment box, and I will try to solve it ASAP!
Hello, good morning, thank you for your quick response. What I meant to say is, how do you calculate the resistance of the emitters when using transistors in parallel?
Hi, ok understood, you can get the complete information in the following article:
Let me know if you have any further doubts or questions…
Hello good afternoon. I would like to know how calculate the value of the resistors of the Emisor transistor in parallel. Thank you very much.
Hello Carlos, sorry, i could not understand what you meant by “Emisor transistor in parallel”.
Could you please provide more details on this?
please tell me how can i calculate voltage divider resistances for common emitter transistors in regulator or relay switching circuits .
and if we have voltage divider is still a base resistor necessary ?
Please search online for “Voltage divider formula” you will get it quickly.
No other resistor will be required when voltage divider is added to the base of the transistor.
I observe the characteristics of the BC548 transistor in the transistor comparison table published by the ECA
The characteristics in your calculations do not match. If you are kind enough to tell me which book you are referring to. I thank
The above calculator is a standard transistor calculator software, so it cannot be wrong, but I have no idea why and how it may not be matching with your specified comparison table.
Can you tell me the formula for this calculation?
R = (base input Voltage – 0.6) / Collector load current
Thank You
Glad to see somebody did this. I think it could be expanded to provide most or all of the numbers required for Dual Feedback Transistor Biasing if the right numbers are fed into it. Most of the numbers on for example could be worked out. I think, right now I want to build a preamp, not write a program.
What means NAN
not a number
Pls I want to begin with wireless circuits
Vce if bc548 is very low
If the transistor is bc547 what should be base resistor
Vce is the saturation voltage (minimum).
for BC547 you have to only consider the hFe and the RL, rest all can be as it is