In this post I will show how to construct a GSM based car security system using Arduino, which can lock and unlock car’s ignition system and central lock by sending a password SMS to car from your cellphone Car theft can be a heart break; it feels like your loved one got kidnapped. It hurts […]
Search Results for: GSM
GSM Pump Motor Controller Circuit using Arduino
In this post I will show how to construct a farmer friendly GSM pump motor controller circuit which couldturn on and off the irrigation system remotely from anywhere in the world via cellphone SMS and return you with an acknowledgement message. The idea was requested by Mr. PG Ragavandir. The Design Agriculture is one of […]
GSM Fire SMS Alert Project
In this article I will show how to construct a GSM fire alert circuit system using Arduino and DHT11 sensor, which will alert the user via text message (SMS), regarding a fire hazard within the premise where it is installed. Using DHT11 Sensor We are using DHT11 sensor for sensing unusual temperature rise around the […]
How to Send and Receive SMS Using GSM Modem
In this article I have explained, how to send and receive SMS using GSM modem which is controlled by Arduino. Let us see, what GSM modem is, how to interface it with Arduino, how to send SMS with the setup. We are also going to explore what are all applications we can achieve with GSM […]
Laser Activated GSM Call Alert Security Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple laser GSM call alert security circuit which immediately calls the master as soon as an intruder is detected through a laser beam interruption. The idea was requested by Mr. Roldan. Circuit Objectives and Requirements I am not an electronic engineer, but I can manage to troubleshoot minor […]
GSM Based Cell Phone Remote Control Switch Circuit
This circuit will allow you to control any electrical gadget from any part of the world through your cellphone remotely, that too without spending a penny for the individual commands. Circuit Concept Whether it’s you vehicle, your basement door, your mansion gate or simply the air conditioner of your house, everything can now be switched […]