In this post I will show how to construct a farmer friendly GSM pump motor controller circuit which could
turn on and off the irrigation system remotely from anywhere in the world via cellphone SMS and return you with an acknowledgement message. The idea was requested by Mr. PG Ragavandir.
The Design
Agriculture is one of biggest industry in India which serves food for more than a billion people every year. Producing vast amount of food is never an easy task; irrigation is one of the factor.
Most of the agriculturist’s crop field is situated far from their residence, just turning on the water pump costs huge for their transportation per year.
India is known for IT skills and space programs and reached mars less than cost of movie “Gravity”, this signifies the great potential among Engineers and Scientists. But, the skills are not uniformly distributed across different fields; agriculture is one of the field where technological development is slow.
This SMS based GSM pump motor controller takes a baby step towards agricultural development, this may not be a revolutionary project but, it may bring delight among agriculturists.
Let’s dive into technical part of the project.
The project is designed with minimal hardware components so that a beginner can accomplish it with ease.
The circuit consists of power supply, which powers the whole setup.
The Arduino is the brain of the project which take decisions and GSM modem which sends and receives text SMS and communicate with the user and relay which controls the motor.
How it Works

Note: Please use at least 10K resistor at the base of the BC548 transistor, 330 Ohms is too low.
The transformer step down the 230VAC to 12VAC and bridge rectifier convert AC onto DC current and the current passes through an electrolytic capacitor to smooth the power supply.
A fixed 12V voltage regulator gives power to arduino, GSM modem and relay. The GSM modem is connected to arduino at pin #0 and pin #1, which are RX and TX respectively.
The RX of GSM is connected to TX of arduino and TX of GSM is connected to RX of arduino. If you are confused, just look at the below diagram, misconnection will not send or receive SMS.
ARDUINO TX----------------------RX GSM modem
Ground to ground connection is also established between arduino and GSM modem.
Try to get a male jack power connector for the GSM and arduino, if not just solder the wires directly from power supply to arduino and GSM, which might increase the mess in the project.
The transistor drives the relay and the diode protects the circuit from high voltage spikes while switching the relay ON/OFF.
The LED indicator shows the status of the relay. If the LED glows the relay activated and if the LED is off, the relay is deactivated.
Insert a valid SIM on the GSM modem and try to take advantage of the offers availed by the network provider for SMS such as rate cutters, which will reduce the expenses for SMS.
Program Code:
//----------------Program developed by R.Girish------------//
int LED = 8;
int motor = 9;
int temp=0;
int i=0;
char str[15];
void setup()
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println("System is ready to receive commands.");// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
void loop()
void serialEvent()
while (Serial.available())
void check()
if(!(strncmp(str,"motor on",8)))
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println("Motor Activated");// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
else if(!(strncmp(str,"motor off",9)))
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println("Motor deactivated");// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
else if(!(strncmp(str,"test",4)))
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println("The System is Working Fine.");// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
//----------------Program developed by R.Girish------------//
NOTE 1: While compiling the program it shows a warning, which you can ignore it. The program is verified and tested.
NOTE 2: Please remove TX and RX connection from arduino while uploading the code.
NOTE 3: Replace “xxxxxxxxxxxxx” with recipient’s phone number in 4 places in the program.
NOTE 4: Please purchase a GSM modem without power button in the module; in case of power failure it won’t latch in into mobile network unless you manually press the button, so avoid such type of GSM modems. The GSM modem one without power button will latch into mobile network directly after power retains.
Author’s Prototype of GSM Pump Motor Controller Circuit:

How to use the above setup:
• Send /motor on/ SMS from your cellphone to activate the relay.
• Send /motor off/ SMS to deactivate the relay.
• Send /test/ SMS for testing the response from the circuit.
Make sure you start the command with”/” and end with “/” otherwise it won’t accept as valid request.
• /motor on/ will turn ON the relay and return with an acknowledgement SMS “Motor Activated.”
• /motor off/ will turn off the relay and return with an acknowledgement SMS “Motor Deactivated.”
• If you send /test/ it will return with an acknowledgement SMS “The System is Working Fine.”
• The above message signifies that your setup is working fine.
• If no acknowledgement is returned to you can assume that no action is preceded on the motor and you may troubleshoot the problems.
• After powering the setup ON wait for 1 minute the system will send an acknowledgement SMS “System is ready to accept commands.” once you receive this SMS your project is ready to serve.
The above commands are fool proof and never trigger the motor falsely, the setup will not respond any SMS other than the above specified commends.\
Improving the above Concept
This above GSM pump application circuit attracted lots of readers and we have received tons of queries and suggestions. One of the avid readers of this website Mr.Gandhi suggested a good improvement to the prior design.
SMS Acknowledgement When Motor is Actually ON
The improvement is all about the revert acknowledgement, where the user will receive a SMS response in his cellphone from the GSM pump controller system when a user sends a valid SMS comment.
The existing design sends an acknowledgement SMS to the user independent of the actual state of the relay i.e. ON/OFF.
The new design change suggested by Mr.Gandhi checks the state of the relay whether the relay is physically switched its state or not.
The change as per this new GSM water pump controller design can be implemented to the previous design without much hassle by adding a feedback system as shown in the schematic and uploading the new code.
Circuit Diagram:

When we send SMS command “/MOTOR ON/” the pin # 9 goes high and trigger the relay ON. If the relay connects the common and N/O pins the pump starts and also turns ON the transformer which will give +5 at the output.
The +5V signal is fed to pin # 7 which will confirm and return with an acknowledgement “Motor activated”.
When we send “/MOTOR OFF/” the pin # 9 turns LOW and relay disconnects the common and N/O pins, this will turn off the pump as well as the connected transformer. The output at pin # 7 goes LOW and returns with an acknowledgement “Motor deactivated”.
If no acknowledgement SMS is received in your cellphone, we can confirm that no action was taken and the pump is at the last requested state, you may go to the site and troubleshoot or no acknowledgement is received due power cut.
Program Code:
//----------------Program developed by R.Girish------------//
int motor = 8;
int LED = 9;
int temp=0;
int i=0;
int ack=7;
char str[15];
void setup()
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println("System is ready to receive commands.");// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
void loop()
void serialEvent()
while (Serial.available())
void check()
if(!(strncmp(str,"motor on",8)))
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println("Motor Activated");// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
else if(!(strncmp(str,"motor off",9)))
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println("Motor deactivated");// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
else if(!(strncmp(str,"test",4)))
Serial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+91xxxxxxxxxx\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println("The System is Working Fine.");// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
//----------------Program developed by R.Girish------------//
The above implementation is not practically tested, but the author is cent percent sure that above idea will work. If readers found any issues with the above improvement can express through the comment section.
Part List
1) Transformer step down 12-0V
2) Diodes IN4007 x5
3) LM7812 x1
4) Relay 12V x1
5) BC548 Transistor x1
6) Electrolytic Capacitor 1000uF x1
7) GSM module: SIM 800 or SIM 900 model
8) 330 Ohm Resistor x2
10) Arduino Uno or Arduino nano or Arduino Mega
11) DC male jack x2
Video Clip:
Integrating with 3 Phase Motors
I have been receiving many requests to upgrade the relay stage for the above design so that it becomes compatible for operating 3 phase motors using GSM cell phone commands.
Therefore I decided to design the required circuit which will hopefully be able to switch ON and switch OFF a given 3 phase motors having the typical start and stop contactor mechanism.
The following figure shows how to configure the design using an IC 4017 circuit.

NOTE: The 100uF /10K and 220uF and 47K values may need some adjustments in order ensure the correct amount of delay for the respective transistors and relay stages.
With over 50,000 comments answered so far, this is the only electronics website dedicated to solving all your circuit-related problems. If you’re stuck on a circuit, please leave your question in the comment box, and I will try to solve it ASAP!
Hello sir ,
Thanks for the wonderful project and very good explanation ,
Sir me and my team are going to Perform this project in our college so i want to know from u that , what new advancements can be made right now …
Glad you liked it Abdul, However since I am not very good with Arduino suggesting new advancements can be difficult for me through codes.
sir we are doing the same project we need literature overview, plz point us the problems in your sys, how is it diffrent
Hello ashfaq, the literature is already given in the article with full details.
What is the price of project?
helo bro second tutorial is not working,, when i send motor on,, it getting on but im not getting any message,, when i send off ,, its getting off and im getting message also,, for experiment i given 5 voltage via relay,, but input 7 is not working
Hello Mahendhar, as you can see the circuit is working in the video. I would suggest you to do the exact set up as indicated in the diagram and check again.
Hello, swagatam sir our seniors made the project of gsm based single phase pump motor,so now this year we have a job to make it gsm based 3 phase pump motor. Sir we need help ASAP i hope u’ll get my msg , i have seen th circuit diagram above but i am not getting it . We need to control the starter may b u have any idea to make it possible and we need to change the coding a little bit ,sir i hope u’ll contact me soon….
Hello Shubham, I am not good with Arduino coding so modifying the code can be difficult for me. However for the starter section I may investigate if you could tell me about its specifications.
The last 4017 circuit is actually designed to operate a start/stop based contactor box.
Hi Swagatam,
Like your project but question in my mind,
In case of power failure, does GSM module alert user by sending a SMS back.
if its not, can we make it possible as I am working on a project where need to monitor a fan basically I required a solution which in case fan goes down, it generate a sms to alert users for potential action.
Thank you Pratap,
The pin#7 is designed to accept the input prompts. It can be arranged with a transistor circuit such that it triggers pin#7 of the Arduino whenever power fails, and prompts the GSM to send a message to the owner regarding the actions. However for this the GSM and the Arduino must have the facility of a battery back up.
Thanks for reply,
There are few more things that I want to discuss can we talk in personal through email
You can feel free to discuss it here, I’ll try to help you if possible!
Sure, is it possible if you can provide me the circuit design of my model with codes
Sorry, actually I am not good with Arduino coding, so it can be difficult for me to create new codes. There are many experts in the forums, where you can ask how to modify the second program from the above article as per your requirement. Hopefully somebody would be able to guide you in the right direction.
Pls modified this code to dual mobile control the gsm pls help us
Thank you very much for your usual cooperation,
I’m OK with that , but the delay time is 3min in my case is too much.
Can you adjust it less than 10 seconds
You can replace the 470uF capacitor with 22uF/25V for getting a value around less than 10 seconds
Thank you very much,
I’m a beginner in electronic
Can you give me something simple for controlling my led panel indication light, 230v 1watt
Thank you
OK, here’s another simple design that you can try:
Hi Mr swag, thanks you very much for always sharing us with your innovations and research, may God richly go as yo.
My problem is I need your usual help, I want a circuit to blink led panel light without arduino, below are its spec: 230v ac 1 watt
Hopping to hear from you soon
Thanks Stephen, you can try the following concept:
you can remove one of the triac stages and keep any one of them for the required flashing.
I have tried the circuit and works very well and am very great full for offering the circuit free!however I would request an upgrading where one can control two pumps independently or one pump with two independent solenoid valves and incorporate a flow switch
I am so glad you liked it, will surely consider your request and update if it is possible!
How much time it will take to complete the project,from basic level????
Mohan, it will depend on the user, how quickly he is able to grasp and implement it.
Sir update the moter controll system on and off using 2relays with missed call and SMS system and using time setting futeru. Like Kisan raj (or) maharaj product
We’ll surely try to update, if it’s possible, thanks for the suggestion!
can i use sim800l module for this project
sorry I have no idea about it….
sir ic 4017 circute is not working
So give me solution (or) another circute plz………Sir
Sudheer, it will definitely work, please take the help of an expert in your area…you will have to first confirm the relay operations on work table and then implement in actual project.
you will have to understand the circuit and then implement it step wise
Sir how to control 3 phase motor by using this project
Madhu, what kind of switch do you have for your 3 phase motor?
Push button
start and stop type??
No sir, green button for start and red button for stop
I’ll try to find a solution for this soon…
Hi Swagatam.!
I am having trouble with this project. I used first code it worked fine. But after some days i turned it on GSM module sim900a wasn’t detecting signals light was blinking fast every second. Then after several hours of this madness of separating supplies for both arduino and GSM module (by making sure its 12v – 3A for GSM) and changed sim cards several times it started to detect network. But it stopped communication with arduino. I’m completely puzzled into it. I have to submit it to my university. please help me..!
Hi Mandira, I’ll try to contact the author of the article and try to get the solution soon.
Hi Mandira,
I think your GSM module is malfunctioned somehow, better replace with new one.
Don’t use Jio simcards as it is 4G only network.
Remove the GSM’s module all wire connections and just insert SIM and turn ON and try to give a call to GSM and you should hear ringing, if not replace the GSM module and the network LED should blink only every 3 seconds, blinking every one seconds signifies searching for network.
Thanks for this quick response. Yes the GSM light is blinking every 3 seconds it means it detected the signals and registered to the network. The problem is it has no communication to arduino through RX TX when calling on the number it gives ringing. But has no output. Even when i checked the pins RX,TX with oscilloscope and called that number. Nothing appeared on oscilloscope. Probably there’s a shortage between these rx,tx pins. I think i need to replace it right now.
Thanks Swagatam & GR you guys are great.
You are welcome Mandira. We are always happy to help!
Hey GR, is it normal for a GSM module what i mentioned below:
I connected rx tx to arduino, the arduino is powered on while i didn’t power GSM module. But through the connection of rx tx and ground the lights on GSM are turned on. They are not very bright but they are turned on. Its strange. Do you have any idea if this behaviour of module is normal. Because may be this reason blown the previous GSM module rx tx pins
Hi Mandira,
I too faced the glowing of LED by just powering the Arduino with connection with GSM (Tx, Rx, GND), but don’t do this again, either turn on the both boards simultaneously or power the GSM board first and power the Arduino.
This could probably malfunction the GSM, I have done this couple of times accidentally but nothing gone wrong yet.
I have done this project it is working fine thank you very much
I am glad it worked Madhu, please keep up the good work
Swagatam ! You’re the one of the greatest blessings of God to this earth. My all prayers for you..!
Have a wonderful day.!
Thank you very much Eman. The pleasure is all mine!!
The usb frm laptop to arduino provides 12v ?
No it provides 5v
And again a nice and useful project .
So if I have to connect this to start and stop configuration then I just need to connect the relay contacts to the button with appropriate contact rating right????
Thanks very much, yes that’s correct, but the relay action will need to be momentary, the “start” will need to be momentary ON (relay#1), and stop will need to be momentary OFF (relay#2)
Hello sir can you please share the circuit diagram for the same project,but connecting 3 phase motor at the end in place of single phase of motor or 230v motor..
Thank you
Hello Madhu shankar, are you using a contactor for the 3 phase motor, having start stop buttons??
Thanks sir…
Can you suggest any specific Arduino IDE sotware version.
I compiled the code using ARDUINO IDE 1.0.3 and 1.8.0
And i am not receiving any acknowledgement message in any of it. However, i didnt have the relay connected yet.
sir, while compiling and uploading, the arduino software is showing following errors:
software: Arduino: 1.8.5 (Windows Store (Windows 10), Board: “Arduino/Genuino Uno”
C:\Users\Hi\Downloads\WOCS\WOCS\WOCS.ino: In function ‘void serialEvent()’:
C:\Users\Hi\Downloads\WOCS\WOCS\WOCS.ino:41:19: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
Sketch uses 2902 bytes (8%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32256 bytes.
Global variables use 383 bytes (18%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1665 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
avrdude: verification error, first mismatch at byte 0x0000
0x62 != 0x0c
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
avrdude: verification error; content mismatch
This report would have more information with
“Show verbose output during compilation”
option enabled in File -> Preferences.
Hi Suman,
These are warnings, noting to worry about it:
C:\Users\Hi\Downloads\WOCS\WOCS\WOCS.ino: In function ‘void serialEvent()’:
C:\Users\Hi\Downloads\WOCS\WOCS\WOCS.ino:41:19: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char*’ [-Wwrite-strings]
But you should have compiled the code successfully, there are no errors in the code.
If your issue is while uploading the code to Arduino, then check that you have proper drivers is installed to your PC or any hardware issue with your Arduino (Try uploading a blink sketch).
hello sir,
i am having problem with the output..i am using gsm 900A gsm module and arduino UNO for the project..after completion of programming and when i turn on the circuit i am getting the message “SYSTEM IS READY TO RECEIVE THE COMMANDS” ,but when i send /motor on/ or /motor off/ the i am not getting mean motor not getting turn on,as well as replay message is not getting..but when i calling to number which one is in gsm module its gets ringing..can you help me to complete my project..
Thank you
Hi madhu shankar,
Try these two codes:
Check these two functionality with your GSM module it should work fine, if any issues any replace it.
Hi girish sir,
I m new in the learning stage about hobby of microcontroller programing. I want any program code that my microcontroller work / read the instructions from a specific mobile number and the mobile number can be changed by re-programming or via sms what ever your convinces. plz send me that code on my reply or my email –
Thanks in advance.
Sir I want the code for wireless closed loop speed control of DC motor . Here I am using GSM, Arduino and h bridge module. Also I want to implement the pid controller in the above program. Can you help me?
creating customized code will need a fee to be paid for the service, presently the price is 10/- INR per line of code
hello sir,
thanxx for tutorial … sir I want to on and off motor using missed call based please tell me how can I do thiss??can u send me code for thiss??
you can try eh following circuit
This following AT command AT+CLIP=1 in this pic has caller IDENTIFICATION i.e., getting the number of caller to module…so if we try to match this number to our if else code and we can write if else condition… like if matched with that number as receiving number LED=HIGH, we can control led on n off with missed call
IAM facing a problem with my GSM Sim 900A when I give it /Motor ON/ message it’s taking and giving output, but when I give off message it’s not responding…i.e.,it’s only taking the 1st command and not responding to the second….when I use the same code for other gsm module it’s working fine for 1st and second messages of motor on and off…when I ask shopkeeper to replace he is saying it will not behave like that and blaming me that my code is wrong and he is covering himself when it is responding to 1st command it will respond to 2nd also it won’t do half work…but code 100% it worked for u all and worked for me in other gsm mod.. please say what to there any minor error on my side?.
I will forward this message to Mr. GR, he will reply you soon.
Hi Rahul,
I am sure that it is a hardware issue with GSM module. Try getting replaced especially if you are going to represent the project for your final year.
If it responded to your first comment, it would not be your mistake most probably.
Can we write a program to start a Motor by first ring and stop it with second ring…and we must get acknowledgement message after each ring whether motor Is on or off like ur previous program
Help me write this code
I will forward this to Mr. GR, if it is possible he will revert with a reply.
Hi rahul,
I will try to design as per your requirements soon.
Ok,sir…and this will help farmers a lot because some farmers are not literate enough to send message and turn on motor,if it’s a missed call it will be easy and simple for them…
Can i get the required material list and if there is any link where i can get the same at the best price?
Mainly i want link to the gsm module.
Have you used gsm module or gsm modem?
Please reply asap as i need help with my College irrigation project
As mentioned in the article, it is a GSM modem that is used in the project.
The GSM modem can be easily purchased from any online store.
If you wish you can purchase the entire project for Rs.5000/- from us (all inclusive)
I’ll try to get the entire parts list from the author of the article Mr. GR, and update it soon…
The parts list has been updated at the end of the post
Hi, Swagatam
To switch on/off a single phase submersible pump set, I made a little change in the code and it is working fine. The changes I made are :
int motor = 8; // main power suppy to pump unit via relay
int LED = 9;
int start = 10;//for momentary shorting of start button
int temp=0;
int i=0;
int ack=7; //will act as dry run detector
char str[15];
void setup()
Serial.println(“AT+CMGS=\”+91xxxxxxxxxx\”\r”); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println(“System is ready to receive commands.”);// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
void loop()
void serialEvent()
while (Serial.available())
void check()
if(!(strncmp(str,”motor on”,8)))
Serial.println(“AT+CMGS=\”+91xxxxxxxxxx\”\r”); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println(“Motor Activated”);// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
Serial.println(“AT+CMGS=\”+91xxxxxxxxxx\”\r”); // Replace x with mobile number
Serial.println(“Motor Dryrun”);// The SMS text you want to send
Serial.println((char)26); // ASCII code of CTRL+Z
rest of the code is same.
with regards
That’s wonderful Anupam, I am glad you could modify it and make it work you you…keep up the good work!
Hi Swagatam,
Thanks for your appreciation. By the way, I am also very much interested in Arduino Uno based LED moving message display. In fact I have built one with the help of projects available in net. But I do not find any way how to increase the number of rows. All such projects I came across are of 8 rows. As a result the characters are too small. There is scope in the sketch to increase the number of columns but not rows. Would you please help me in this regard.
With regards
Hi Anupam, I wish I could help you, but since I am not good with Arduino so I won’t be able to suggest you much in this regard. You can contact and request Mr. GR on his Facebook account and see if he can help.
This code was showing error pls help
I checked it just now, it’s not showing any errors….
Hi Swagatam,
I am very much glad to let you know when I changed the GSM module, the circuit is working fine as described. Many many thanks to you and Mr. Ragavan for extending your help. I would like to request you kindly give me suggestion how to modify the circuit as well as code/sketch to switch on and off a single phase Pump motor and three phase motor.
With regards
You are welcome Anupam, we are glad you could succeed, according to me you can use the same circuit and code for switching ON/OFF a single phase pump and also for a 3 phase, but for 3 phase replace the BC548 with a 2n2222, and the relay with a triple pole triple throw or TPTT relay, and wire the 3 contacts with the 3 phase supply connections accordingly.
By the way the author name is “Mr. Radhakrishnan” and not Mr. Ragavan 🙂
Hi Swagatam,
First of all I am extremely sorry for wrongly quoting the name of Mr. Radhakrishnan as Mr. Ragavan. Please convey my thanks to Mr. Radhakrishnan. By the way, I was supposed to let from you know how to switch on/off a single phase submersible pump motor and not a simple single phase pump motor. Please help me in this regard. Also please let me know how can the code be modified to accept messages from more than one mobile.
With regards
Hi Anupam, do you mean to say you want to know how to operate the submersible contactor “start”, “stop” buttons? I’ll try to figure it out if possible.
For the codes I will inquire with Mr. GR.
Hi Swagatam,
Thank you for your prompt reply. Yes, I want to operate the Start, Stop buttons of submersible pump starter. Also please let me know if the circuit and code can be modified to respond sms from multiple numbers.
With regards
OK,Mr. GR will reply you soon…
Hi Anupam,
You can send SMS commands to GSM module from any mobile phone, but you will receive the acknowledgements to number than you entered in the code.
*that not “than”
Hi, GR
I think the problem is with the GSM Modem. I bought SIM900A Dualband GSM/GPRS TTL MODULE for Arduino Raspberry Pi and other MCU from eBay. Is this type of module is alright ? If not, then please suggest what type of GSM module is needed . There was no message “System is ready to receive commands”. Moreover, When I tried to make call, the reply was subscriber is not reachable. Please tell me one thing, after inserting the SIM if 5 volt supply is applied to the module without connecting Tx and Rx to Arduino Rx and Tx respectively , should I not hear ring tone ? If I do not get ring tone on calling, is it due to the fault of GSM module?
With regards
Hi Swagatam,
I made the circuit and uploaded the sketch as described above but there is no response even if /test/ or /motor on/ SMS is send. Moreover, when I tried make call the response was “subscribe is not reachable” What could be the problem? Or where could be the possible error I made ? Please help.
With regards
Anupam Dasgupta
Hi Anupam, I’ll forward this issue to Mr. GR, he’ll reply you soon….
Hi Anupam,
The problem is probably with mobile network.
You must receive “System is ready to receive commands” from the GSM module after powering 1 to 2 minutes, only after then you able to control the motor/relay. If you did’t receive the mentioned acknowledgement SMS, your SMS commands won’t be accepted.
When you call to GSM modem, we must hear ring sound.
Also check the TX and RX pins once again.
Dear GR sir
I like your gsm based irrigation system and,your profile also
But I need to add more things in that irrigation projects,which is helpful for me, I need to implement some motorized valve to irrigate our farm land randomly when given commond by me,and also I need to check 3phase detection when power comes give 1 msg to me AC power on and when power failure give another msg to me No AC supply ,we using phase supervision relay and use NO NC contact of this relay for feedback also check status of flow water using flow switch
Hi Subhash,
Let me do some research, if all your mentioned points are feasible, I will make this project.
while compiling the code an error message – expected ‘)’ in string command. I could not go further. Please help me.
Hi, please check it now, and let me know if the problem is still there….
with the new code, there was no problem in compiling as well as uploading sketch. Rest will be informed as soon as I complete the project. One more thing I want to know from you that whether the project will work on 4G SIM or not ? If not, what are the modifications needed ? As 2G SIM is almost becoming obsolete. Please help your followers.
I’ll forward this question to Mr.GR, he’ll reply soon.
Hi, Anupam
The 4G sim will work if it is backward compatible with 2G network.
Most of 4G Sim should work well, except “Jio” because their network is “4G only” but you can try with Jio and mention your result in comment.
I used with BSNL 3G sim which is backward compatible with 2G and worked flawlessly.
Hi, GR
Thank you for your reply. For want of GSM Modem (which I ordered online) I could not complete the project. On completion, I will experiment with JIO SIM and let you know the result. I would like to take this opportunity to request you to publish moving message led display circuit with arduino uno with code having scope for increasing both number of rows and column.
With regards.
Hi Anupam,
Can you please elaborate you request a bit more.
dear sir . only this module it works is 10 km,so 20km how to works it with gsm module with motor pump
chintamani, in the request the distance of the pump is specified being at 10km distance, that does not mean the above circuit is restricted to 10km…since it is a GSM based the range can be infinite.
Friend i need dry run protection for this please provide the code ware i have to change
Hi, dry run protection will need to be a sensor based circuit, either a water sensor or heat sensor which can be attached with the motor along with a cut off circuit.
friend but i need message alert also so please provide the program
like one digital in put but that one reading after after 10 min’s from motor ON condition digital in put LOW that time motor and led OFF and send the message motor off due to dry run so please provide the that condition
OK friend, I’ll request Mr. GR to update the feature in the article.
I am farmer and i want my farm pump set automatic start using GSM Mobile no android.
how many cost for this work.
If you interested so please help me or advise me.
please email me for cost and process.
Thanks .
I have forwarded your email ID to Mr. GR, he will contact you soon with the reply.
friend i need three phase updating also include this project please do the help
replace the relay with a 3 contact relay..that’s all
hi sir
plz can you tell me the 12v relay can start 3 phase motor pump
use 3 relays in parallel, one relay for each phase, each relay contact must be rated at 30 amp…use TIP122 for the driver transistor, with 10K as the base resistor
deaer swagatam da i need to controll the speed of a 12volt dc car wiper motor.please describe any circuit for it which able to varies the speed but no effect on torque.
hope you understand my requirment……
Dear Kaushik, you can use the following concept for your requirement
Hello Bala, the circuit and the explanation are adequately presented in the part1/part2 versions of the article, you can refer to them to get an in-depth view of the idea.
part1 explains a controller that reverts an acknowledgement message when the remote unit is activated, whereas in part2 the same idea is further upgraded and allows the remote end to send a message to the user when the motor is actually activated making the process entirely foolproof.
Can it works on A6 module?
Can this program works on A6 module? Or sim 900?
I would recommend sim 900 or sim 800 module, because this project has been test with these modules.
I am assuming it must work on A6 module equally as it works on AT comments.
Hi Sir,
Same question as above that if we plan to use 4 relays,what shuold we change or add in the code?
Thanks a lot.
Hi, you can connect all the 4 relays in parallel, just make sure the driver transistor is replaced with an appropriately rated one.
Mr.GR, will try to solve it for you
Hi kaushik,
You can't use your landline phone as GSM phone. Landline phones aren't designed or can't be modified. However you can use your GSM module to function as a basic cell phone (GSM phone), which I will try to make a different article.
Hi kaushik,
I think 4G SIM don't work with SIM800/900 module, try to use only 2G SIM. In my prototype I've used BSNL 3G SIM (also 2G compatible) and it worked great. Make sure you 4G SIM is backward compatible with 2G network.