Testing and troubleshooting electronic project circuits requires a multimeter, so new hobbyists may feel interested to try the following homemade multimeter circuits as their next electronic project. Using a Single Opamp 741 The few opamp based meter circuits such as Ohmmeter, voltmeter, ammeter are discussed below using the IC 741 and just a few other […]
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3 Accurate Refrigerator Thermostat Circuits – Electronic Solid-State
Interested to make an accurate electronic thermostat for your refrigerator? The 3 unique solid state thermostat designs I have I have explained in this article will surprise you with their “cool” performances. Design#1: Introduction The unit once built and integrated with any relevant appliance will instantly start exhibiting an improved control of the system saving […]
40 watt Electronic Ballast Circuit
The proposed 40 watt electronic ballast is designed to illuminate any 40 watt fluorescent tube, with high efficiency, and optimal brightness. The PCB layout of the proposed electronic fluorescent ballast is also provided along with the torroid and the buffer choke winding details. Introduction Even the promising and the most talked about LED technology is […]
2 Simple Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) Explained
The discussed Earth leakage circuit breaker diagrams will monitor the leakage current level of the earthing line of your house electrical sockets and will trip the appliances as soon a fault is detected. Here I have explained 2 designs, first using transistors only and the second using IC LM324. Introduction If anything goes wrong with […]
High Power 250 Watt MOSFET DJ Amplifier Circuit
The powerful DJ MOSFET amplifier circuit design provided in this article is reasonably easy to build and will produce a thumping 250 watts of music into a 4 ohm loudspeaker. Use of HEXFETs at the output ensures monstrous current and voltage amplification. The involvement of MOSFETs or rather HEXFETs at the output stage of this […]
Simple Crowbar Circuits for Over-voltage Protection
A handful of simple DC over voltage protector crowbar circuits are discussed in this article. I have explained the working of each crowbar circuit through the following explanation. What is Crowbar Circuit If you are wondering what is a crowbar circuit, the definition is simple. It is a circuit network where a transistor or an […]