When this free energy generator called the N-Machine was developed by the famous physicist Bruce DePalma he could implement a 100 kilowatt generator right in his garage with ordinary tools. His machine could power his entire house electrical completely free of cost, forever.

But sadly he could never use it since making such device or using it was forbidden, and he knew that the government would come and confiscate his machine.
DePalma completed his studies from Harvard university and later taught physics at the Massachusetts.
Institute of Technology for over a period of 15 years.
According to his claim, the free electricity generator developed by him has the potentials of providing inexpensive, unlimited, self sustaining, and a pollution free source of energy through principles that simply flout the laws as laid down by conventional physics.
Free Energy from DePalma's N Machine
Mr. DePalma claims that his N Machine could pluck out the "free energy" inherently concealed in the space all around us.
He strongly believes that his invention could simply put an end to the ever growing energy demand, which is dangerously dependent on a limited stock of polluting oil and gas reserves.
The design of DePalma's N Machine is simple, it incorporates a copper disc magnetized through clamped two adjacent disc magnets, and a central axle with oil assisted ball bearings.
When rotated at high speeds through an external motor drive, an electrical power is developed across the central axle and the outer circumference of the copper disc which amazingly exceeds 2 to 3 times than the drive power utilized for running it.
Experts are Skeptical
This result blatantly defies the standard laws of thermodynamics, according to which an output energy from any device can never exceed its input power.
All expert physicist just refuse to pay attention and dismiss DePalma's discovery because they believe that anything that does not obey the standard laws physics cannot be authentic.
However, DePalma apparently proved his invention when he built and presented a large N Machine nicknamed the sunburst, in 1978 in Santa Barbara, California.
The Sunburst machine was privately tested by Dr. Robert Kincheloe, professor at emeritus of electrical engineering at Stanford University.
500% Efficiency Rate
According to his report presented to the society fort scientific exploration, San Fransisco in the year 1986, the N machine created by DePalma exhibited only 13 to 20 percent drag Resistance compared to the conventional high grade motors operating at 100% efficiency, which implies that the N Machine was capable of generating a 500% efficiency results...or a 5 times more output than what it consumed to operate.
In Kincheloe's cautious summary:
"DePalma may have been correct in that there is certainly a condition here wherin energy is being acquired from an unknown and unexplained source earlier not identified.
This is a conclusion that many researchers and physicists would dismiss without consideration, and it may be a violation of prevalent laws of physics and if this at all works may result in severe implications".
"The jury is still out on the DePalma N machine," says physicist Harold Puthoff, a senior fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas.
"It isn't apparent where the reported overunity energy is emanating from--whether it's out of the electromagnetic field or due to some anomaly connected with rotating elements relating to inertia.
The DePalma Nmachine should be manufactured on a large scale to verify if it really works as per the reports.
Though I'm quite skeptical, I to a great extent would love to encourage independent laboratory trials.
Although such an occurrence would have appeared to be completely opposed to the law of energy conservation many years back, we presently acknowledge that the prospects for extracting energy out of so called empty space is in fact a definite possibility".
The Power of Magnetism
According to DePalma, the space all around us is like an ocean where we are like fishes swimming in it. The only way to identify its presence is by forcing it to distort by some means, and the easiest device which can be used for forcing a distortion is through a magnet.
While working at MIT as a professor in physics during his tenure of 15 years, DePalma could feel an increasing unhappiness cropping in him against conventional physics and its laws.
The views expressed by him would hit the traditional scientific thinkers as heresy.
Energy can be Created and Destroyed
For instance, according to the traditional scientific concept, energy is strictly a constant parameter across the entire universe, and a transformation of energy from one form to another will cause a heat-death of the universe eons, however DePalma's views are totally different to this, according to him the universe is an open ended place.
This allows you to evoke energy from the space itself, and this extraction or release of energy from space can be initiated through many different ways, the simplest being by igniting a match stick or by rubbing two sticks together.
Example of a Candle
Let's take the example of a candle, when we ignite a candle, the lighting up of the candle and its sustained heat becomes possible by the extraction of latent energy inside the wax, this is what we all know according to the conventional....... that's rubbish says DePalma.
The law of conservation of energy is just an assumption...according to DePalma's belief the flame of the candle derives its energy directly from the space and the wax is gradually consumed by this energy of space flowing through it.
Quite identically when a car runs, according to the conventional science, heat is derived from the latent energy inside the gasoline, isn't it? Nope, that's incorrect.
The Molecular Antenna Theory
The actual process takes place with the action of the gasoline and the air mixture, catalyzed by the ignition spark, together behaving like a "molecular antenna" for initiating the extraction of energy from space. Heat energy thus obtained in the process burns the gasoline, producing exhaust.
Magnet is another simple tool which can be used to distort the space and unlock the abundantly available energy from it. Since magnetism is never consumed like wax or gasoline, it possess the ability to extract this free energy without getting exhausted and infinitely.
In his free energy generator or the N machine, DePalma believes that the electrical current is sucked from the space itself with the help of the magnets, and not due to the action of the magnet/conductor rotation, as may be assumed by conventional physics.
Inspired from Homopolar Generator
The N Machine was actually inspired by Michael Faraday's world famous Homopolar generator, which first time in history introduced a perplexing working condition of a motor where the rotor and the stator both were rotating together over a common central axis.
According to the conventional science, in order to generate electricity from magnet, it was imperative for either the rotor or the stator to remain stationery so that the magnetic lines of flux could cut through the conductor while the one of the elements was rotated.
How Homopolar Generator Works
However in Faraday's homopolar generator, both, the conductor and the magnet were clamped together and were in a rotating mode and the outcome was an electricity being generated across the central axis and the outer circumference of the conductor.
To be precise, the homolpolar generator had a central copper disc sandwiched between two identical permanent magnet discs. When this assembly was rotated at a relatively high speed, a potential difference could be seen developing across the center and the outer rim of the copper disc.
This outcome was baffling, since according to the conventional science this was impossible due to the fact that the magnetic field was moving in phase with the conductor so there was no possibility of the lines of flux alternating through the conductor and therefore there was no chance of any electricity inducing in the conductor?
The above concept was ignored since 1831, until 1978 when DePalma revived the plans and could improve the homopolar generator concept into his version of a working free energy device called the N machine, also nicknamed sunburst machine.
Full Design of the N Machine
The following image shows the actual layout design of the N machine:

The above diagram provides us with a reasonably clear picture of the proposed free energy generator which can be easily replicated using our own imagination and improvements.
The following diagram drawn by me shows a tweaked design of the N machine, which can be further improved by the user through the process of experimentation.
Practical Design

Referring to the shown diagram above, and discussed in the earlier sections, we can witness the main parts of the machine, which are as follows:
How the Setup Works
A central copper disc made out of many parallel thin copper discs stuck together firmly. This copper is sandwiched between two strong permanent magnets with the shown north south poles across the copper disc.
This assembly is clamped and sealed to make a single unit having a common central hole for the rotating shaft.
The central shaft is fitted over two high grade, hermetically sealed ball bearing assembly across the two sides of the magnet/copper disc.
The ball bearing are tightly held by two aluminum axle like terminations which are in turn bolted with the inner wall of the wooden box in which the entire machine is enclosed.
The outer edge of the copper disc can be seen attached to a carbon brush fitting.
The output for collecting the free overunity electricity is derived by connecting the load across the connections from the central axle (linked with the copper disc center, and the brushed attachment (linked with the copper disc outer edge).
At the right side of the ball bearing ring, we can see a pulley wheel, which needs to be belted with an external drive motor for initiating the copper/magnet disc into a high speed rotation and for generating current across the indicated output terminals.
Huge Free Amps
When rotated at around 3000 RPM, this assembly may be witnessed to be outputting a massive amount of current but at a very low voltage across the output.
The voltage generated may be actually too trivial, could be in millivolts, may be around 500mV to 1V...but the current could be well over 1000 to 10,000 amps or more depending upon the size of the discs, and the speed of rotation.
A boost converter circuit or a transformer could be employed for converting this low voltage into a higher voltage level and stepping up the potential to the desired normal levels..
The product of the generated V x I could apparently cross well over the watts consumed by the drive motor, resulting in an overunity conditions.
The polarity of the current across the output terminals depends on the direction of the rotation.
The above content explicitly explains the making of the free energy generator or the N machine, which looks quite simple actually but might require enormous amount of precision and care in order to actually implement the expected overunity results.
With over 50,000 comments answered so far, this is the only electronics website dedicated to solving all your circuit-related problems. If you’re stuck on a circuit, please leave your question in the comment box, and I will try to solve it ASAP!
i really wonder if anyone have build a generator like this that give out 3phase 20kw?? if so then mail me i need one hakanjohansson728@gmail.com
The problem with this design is that if you apply a DC power source to it, it will motor and begin to spin. So when spun as a generator, the current acts like a brake, slowing the spin just like any standard generator. So, It is not load-free.
As a retiring ME I want to build one if these as my next project. Are detailed plans available? Any for an honest to God reliable functioning product or are the all just lab prototypes that might work when the stars are properly aligned?
Thank you for your interest in this project.
However, since this appears to be a controversial project I am not sure about its results, moreover the design looks too complex and might require highly efficient mechanical setup for ensuring a zero loss operation.
Let me know what you think about it.
I really want to know more about the N Machine
We want to recreate this. Can we use your service on payment for this?
I can build this machine for you but you have to invest the different parts for building this device.
I have computing-aided design for this machine for different electrical power.
My service to help you to build this device is equal to 50 euros per hour.
You can send me an invitation on LinkedIn : Jason ALOYAU to be in touch with me.
Dear Jason,
I am interested in your service, please contact me at: sk140846@gmail.com
Looking forward to your reply.
How much electrical power do you need ?
I am keen to know, anyone who has tried it ? my email is info@ukmoneygroup.com, jason please get in touch with me , i am on LinkedIn as well , Arshi ilyas , glasgow uk
My mother tongue is Greek, but I hope what I mean is understood.
The process is based on the so-called “Faraday paradox”
I will tell you my opinion, but restrained. In schools and universities I will explain that when electricity moves through a conductor, a “circular” magnetic field is created around the conductor.
This is not wrong, it is a big lie of science. Yes. a magnetic field is created, but it is not circular. As the electrons move, the magnetic lines around the conductor are helical. Another big lie is the correspondence of the current with the magnetic lines. It is actually a magnetic line per moving electron.
As I said, magnetic lines are helical, which means that the axial length (step) of the magnetic line is greater than it would be in a natural magnet. In the case of the Faraday disk the principle of operation of the generator does not apply, because in the generator the length of the magnetic lines is constant, while in the Faraday disk it increases (approximately) by 1.11 × √2
Ampere is the amount of electric current (Coulomb) which moves through a conduit in the unit of time, but does not tell us how fast they move. And that’s very important.
Inside a conductor, the electrons that move are less than what the conductor has. When we want to increase the current, we must also increase the cross section of the conductor. That is, we must increase the mass. In the case of the Faraday disk, we can not increase the mass indefinitely, because that removes the magnets and weakens the magnetic lines.
I return to the main topic. When the length of the magnetic line is longer, it exerts more induction. That is, it is something like projecting a surface in a smaller geometric area.
But certainly with what I said we will not be able to conclude. That is why I will tell you in addition that magnetism is the intangible form of electricity that moves perimeter perpendicular to its axis. In other words: If there is magnetism, there is no electricity. And if there is electricity, there is no magnetism, since the difference between magnetism and electricity is: the existence or non-existence of matter
In the case of an electrical conductor, the magnetic line moves ecliptically and perpendicular to the axis of motion of the electrons. As a result, the vector of magnetism is larger than the vector of electron motion, and therefore the induced energy produced is greater than that supplied. But this is not enough, because it just covers the friction losses and the magnetic lag.
I stop here, because it is dangerous to say anything more.
I want to thank Swagatam warmly for finding valuable circuits on its website.
Note: I am an electrician, not an electronic one.
May you all be well and healthy and do not stop researching.
Thank you Κωνσταντίνος, for providing such a valuable information. We appreciate it very much!
So, if you know how to, why not build an N machine? So what if the powers that be might not like it? Market it illegally. The world desperately needs it.
If you take the time to read Bruce’s analysis of Maxwell’s equations, your answer is there.
the reason that the over unity is within the known science…Is that the true full-body set of equations is 20 not 4 in total! over unity was therefore written out of the science by Heavyside and Lorentz around the turn of the century.
Hey , why are ceramic magnets specified ? and what shaft materials are suitable ?
Hello Andrew,
I’m currently building an N-Machine and I would like to ask you some questions about the mechanism, as i’m not native english speaker.
Is the main axis and the copper+magnet rotating together ? In that case, you need ball bearing like these ones
On the other hand, if the axis doesn’t move, you need to mount the copper+magnet to the ball bearing, whis is another story. In that case you need a very small bearing, which makes the axis way less thick and more fragile. Have you already run some experiments with an N-Machine ?
Many thanks for your answer
Sorry, forgot a point I meant – while something I could build with a lot of power and work.. I truly want the easiest… and more directly whatever will allow me to use the least amount of your (I’m sure) very valuable time. (and once I learn a bit, I can learn a lot more on my own..) Sorry for extra post. Tried Facebook but pic didn’t look like your pic here, and I couldn’t find a way to actually comment on the “comment” page!
Thanks again!
I was ruminating about past horrors, but on subject one thing my dad did was buy me a “transistor radio”(?) kit just before grade 1, and I was so amazed when I put the earpiece to my ear and the wire to the baseboard heaters (grounded) and heard static! No battery! He said move the thing back and forth to select different freq. and I did, and listened to a radio station with a little breadboard(? – 4.5 decades ago) I knew the transistor, diode, and capacitor and (possibly?) a small chip. But don’t know what the tuner thing was or what it did/how it worked. So I though maybe these days we could make useful amounts of electricity on similar or other principals. (but so many “free energy” seeming scams on youtube.) The 3 gens you mention – n machine, the hight difference one (never heard of till today) cold electricity (same, not even just “cold electricity” – prob. in left field, but if you could make CPU/GPU’s/etc run cold, that would be a revolution. I took electronics in gr. 8 and did make a few PC boards with the UV light and stuff, but even that was 40 years ago..still interested, but trying to save the world with a design I have for an AI.. Stll.. you mention these but the last few it seems you never mention trying to build any of them. Is there any type I might be able to build (I can still learn), besides the bigger, bigger, more, etc, of the freeenergyprototype.gif you have the pic of. If you think I could build any of the others without a ton of work (The AI plan literally changed my life, and could make the entire world better for everyone) but that I could work on when not inspired right for AI coding (I’m on LTD for over 10 years now) Some days I can do some stuff some days… If all you think I could build is the diode idea, or even better your Free Energy from Atmosphere, ideally with some help from you on partiulars, particularly of your improvements with the Antenna I could run probably the height of the house, and if the bottom can be indoors, I could put it in my room a few feet below ground level. Care to share why you didn’t try (or mention) to build one of the others, like the N? But also.. would you be willing to point me in the right direction for acquiring certain things like the Germanium diodes but even a lot of other stuff.. it’s been a while. I do have either 50′ or 100′ of bare copper wire, and same of plastic coated copper wire – couple years back I was going to try to put together a ham.. but thinking I’m just going to buy a good SDR or few soon.. but maybe either or both of those wires could be useful for something – antenna or whatever, if it helps. Thanks for the cool site, Bookmarking and checking back soon. 🙂
Andrew – Van, BC, Canada
Have you made replica of this machine yourself?
In your capacitor discharge circuit used to increase the production of HHO gas by the use of an electrolyzer.
Do you have these devices totally complete as shown on the diagram, and ready for sale? If you do, please
send me a quote to purchase one and have it delivered to my house in San Antonio, Texas USA.
Thank you for your attention to my inquiry.
Mario De Leon
714 Blakeley Dr.
San Antonio, Texas. 78209
Sorry I do not sell products in my website so sending it to you can be difficult for me. However there’s an easier alternative that you could quickly build an implement for getting the desired results. The complete explanation can be learned from the following article:
This idea us good one. In my own opinions laws are created and can be broken also. It may be that we aren’t as smart as we think and so we shun this idea. Who knows maybe in the next millennium, the humans might break this law( Law of conservation of Energy). Anything is possible under the sun.
You may be right King, we all hope free energy becomes a reality in the near future…
I’m sorry, but DePalma’s theories can’t be serious.
Remember E = mc^2?
If DePalma where right, why he didn’t make the machine?
You can grab “free” energy from enviroment arround you, like sun light, termal energy, mechanical energy from the wind or sea, etc… but it’s is not possible violate thermodinamics laws. If was possibble, we could bypass speed light, but we can’t.
beste regards.
thanks for the analysis, it surely makes sense!!
I remember E=mc^2 ! 🙂 Wasn’t that just before they figured out the earth wasn’t flat? Or am I mistaking that one for when they apparently used some math (that’s kinda like E=mc^2, right?) to calculate the current theory that we actually haven’t got a clue what 90-something%+ of the universe is? Sorry, I’d be more specific, but I’m a bit rusty on that stuff, and my machine is locked all 6 cores (or 12 if you believe in that “hyper threading” theory) at 100% — all in good fun. On The serious side, I am racing the hundreds of people, groups, corporations, countries, etc. with billion dollar budgets, and the probably zillions more with a budget over $50k, vs. my $12k budget to build an AI and make the world *way* better. (as opposed to, as you might imagine, the things that people with billions already will do with more power than the majority of the population (of Earth, of course) would actually believe possible. – The clue is in what they did with the billions that came their way, and the hint is.. they didn’t give it away.) Wish me luck, because if I win (there’s no 2nd place, btw) the world will be incredibly better for anyone that’s not anti-tech. (not going to force anyone!) That means that presumably it will be better for anyone reading this – most likely beyond their best guess by just a tiny bit. 😉
"All expert physicist just refuse to pay attention and dismiss DePalma's discovery because they believe that anything that does not obey the standard laws physics cannot be authentic."
With respect, me too!
Hello, first of all I want to thank you and this is fantastic job you do by publishing all this stuff. Just want to ask where I can find the next article?
I must say that you are really doing a gre8 job by publishing such details which explains how various Electric /Electronic products are manufactured and how one can make use of this to automate their electric products
Thanks very much, appreciate your response!!
add some diagram.
it seems it is only idea but after reading this article we willn't able to make