In this post I have explained a simple IC 555 set/reset application circuit for activating or deactivating a relay alternately. Circuit Operation This electronic set reset circuit is very simple, easy to implement and very useful. It can provide you many applications options in cases where it may be necessary to toggle (switch on and […]
Search Results for: 555
Input Trigger Synchronized Monostable Timer Using IC 555
Here we study a simple IC 555 based monostable circuit whose output monostable time duration starts only after the input trigger is released thus making sure that the trigger ON time duration is added with the monostable’s pre-programmed ON time duration. The idea was requested by Mr. John Brogan Technical Specifications I would like to […]
IC 555 Automatic Emergency Light Circuit
The discussed 2 simple IC 555 based emergency lamp system employs just a single IC 555 and yet is able to switch more than 20 LEDs directly, it will illuminate the LEDs only during the absence of mains power and ambient light. 1) Using IC 555 as a Comparator The proposed circuit is not only […]
IC 555 Low Battery Indicator Circuit
In this article I have explained a simple low battery indicator circuit using the IC 555 and a few resistors only. Circuit Concept Many electronic circuits such as emergency lights, battery chargers, UPS systems, flashlights etc essentially require a low battery indication feature in order to avoid over discharge of the involved battery. An over discharge could mean a permanent damage […]
4 Simple Li-Ion Battery Charger Circuits – Using LM317, NE555, LM324
In this post I have explained a four simple yet a safe way of charging a Li-ion battery using ordinary ICs like LM317 and NE555 which can be easily constructed at home by any new hobbyist. Although Li-Ion batteries are vulnerable devices, these can be charged through simpler circuits if the charging rate does not […]
How to Generate PWM Using IC 555 (2 Methods Explored)
The IC 555 is an extremely useful and versatile device which can be applied for configuring many useful circuits in the field of electronics. One very useful feature of this IC is its ability to generate PWM pulses which can be dimensioned or processed as per the needs of the application or the circuit. What’s […]