The BT169 is a thyristor or SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) that is commonly used for switching applications in low-power electronic circuits. It can be used for small signal, low current […]
Datasheets and Components
BC636 Transistor Datasheet [45 V 1 Amp PNP Transistor]
The BC636 is a PNP bipolar junction transistor (BJT) that is specifically designed for low noise amplifier and switching applications. Here’s the complete datasheet of the transistor BC636. Pinout Configuration […]
IC 4070 Datasheet, Pinout Working, Truth Table, Electrical Characteristics
The IC 4070 is a quad 2-input XOR gate IC which is designed for a wide range of digital logic applications. The XOR function is a logical operation that produces […]
IC 4069 Datasheet, Pinout Working, Applications
The IC 4069 is a CMOS hex inverter that contains six independent inverter gates. These are called inverters because these gates will always invert the signal at their inputs to […]
IC 4063 Datasheet, Pinout Working, Applications
The IC 4063 is a CMOS-based 4-bit magnitude comparator IC that can compare two 4-bit binary or BCD numbers and determine which one is greater than or equal to the […]
IC 4049 Datasheet, Pinout Function, Application
IC 4049 is a CMOS hex inverting buffer IC that has six independent inverters or NOT gates. It is commonly used in various electronic circuits such as oscillators, timers, and […]