In this post I have explained about a unique 8x overunity circuit quite resembling a joule thief design which was created by one of the noted researcher Professor Steven E. Jones while experimenting with a simple overunity concept.
8x more Output from a Simple Joule Thief Circuit
While developing this overunity circuit he was amazed to see an 8 fold or 8x improvement in the power output, which simply indicated an 8 times more output being produced by his circuit, compared to the input supply power.
The results were distinctly evident on the oscilloscope screen which he used to verify the test results.
Mr. Steven E. Jones is an American physicist who particularly became popular for his intense research on muon-catalyzed fusion
While trying to develop a simple overunity theory he could discover this unique 8x overunity effect in his special joule thief circuit, using the advanced Tektronix oscilloscope, which made his finding look even more credible.
When asked from where the 8x free energy was coming from, professor said "I don't know where the energy is coming from, but it's coming from somewhere," and he himself seemed interested in solving it through other researchers.
During the course of the experiment, to be precisely sure about the working ability of the circuit, he kept it running overnight for 9 hours. In his prototype an LED was used as the load and a AAA cell, as the power supply.
The results were undoubtedly confirmed when he found that even after nine hours of continuous operation, the LED continued to remain illuminated brightly, yet the charge in the cell had hardly depleted. Without his circuit the cell would have easily gotten empty and the LED extinguished long before.
Although we are discussing just a fraction of milliwatts here, it's a good start and enough to prove the a substantial 8x overunity.
Circuit Diagram
The circuit designed by Steve can be seen in the above figure, which is a modified variant of a joule thief circuit based on "blocking oscillator" principle.
In this mode, an LC network can be seen operating with the base of the BJT which you usually won't find in regular blocking oscillator designs. Professor Steven names this stage as the "boost resonator" since this stage resonates at a particular frequency and also becomes responsible for boosting the output and generating the overunity effect.
According to Mr. Steve, he could also develop a method of fine-tuning the efficiency of the circuit to a level where the input consumption virtually reaches to almost nothing.
He further revealed that the crucial element of the circuit was the inductor in the form of a torroid, specially devised by him. Although the construction of this torroidal inductor is easy, and could be hand wound, it lets you witness some amazing results.
In his design the following parts were used
Rb = 2k, 1/4 watt
Ro = 9.8k,
Rr = 3.1k,
T1 = MPS2222
Cb = 151pF,
D = LED red,
Power supply: 2V DC from a couple of rechargeable AA cells.
Both CSR = 1 ohm 1/4 watt (current sensing resistors)
Making the Inductor Coil
The inductor was constructed with the following details:
L-B, L-O = 9 turns using bifilar winding
Core = Torroid 1"OD, 1/2"ID, 7/16" tall
Inductance value: approximately 90uH each
Practical Test Results
Here's the original voice transcript of professor Steven, illustrating the test results on his state-of-the-art tektronix oscilloscope.
"Basically, the power is coming from two AA rechargeable cells and little 1 ohms resistors in series with the battery, so I measure the input voltage and the input current, the voltage drop across the 1 ohm resistor and that gives me the input power, multiplying the input voltage times the input current, I get the instantaneous power that’s actually the green trace here, the yellow trace being the input voltage, the blue is the current, and the green is the output. The frequency is around 2.8MHz......"
Proof of 8X Overunity
The above outstanding research by Dr. Steven, finally proves that overunity is actually possible through some means even if it remains mysteriously untraceable.
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