The explained Ultrasonic Pest repeller is a device that generates ultrasound or a very high frequency noise in the range of over 20 kHz which becomes useful for repelling or scaring away animals like stray dogs, cats, mice bats, etc. This becomes possible since these animals are able to easily detect the frequencies at this […]
Search Results for: ultrasonic
Ultrasonic Fuel Level Indicator Circuit
An electronic device or circuit which detects and indicates the various fuel levels in a fuel tank without a physical contact, through ultrasonic waves, is called an ultrasonic fuel level sensor In this post I have explained how to build a simple fuel tank level indicator circuit using Arduino and ultrasonic sensors. In every vehicle […]
Ultrasonic Wireless Water Level Indicator – Solar Powered
An ultrasonic water level controller is a device which can detect water levels in a tank without a physical contact and send the data to a distant LED indicator in a wireless GSM mode. In this post I will show how to construct a ultrasonic based solar powered wireless water level indicator using Arduino in […]
Ultrasonic Smart Automatic ON/OFF Switch Circuit
In this article we are going to build a smart automatic ON/OFF switch using Arduino, which can turn on or off gadgets automatically by sensing the presence of human nearby through the concept of ultrasonic. We are going to use ultrasonic module and Arduino to sense the presence of human which activates the gadgets such […]
Ultrasonic Distance Meter Circuit Using 16×2 LCD
In this article I will show how to construct an ultrasonic distance meter circuit using Arduino and 16×2 LCD. We are also going to see what an ultrasonic module is, how it works and how it can be used to measure distance. What is ultrasonic? An average healthy human being can hear frequencies ranging from […]
Simple Ultrasonic Sound Sensor Alarm Circuit using Opamp
This article discusses a simple ultrasonic sound sensor alarm circuit which may be appropriately set for detecting sound pressures well above the normal human listening capacity, that may range from 20 kHz and over. Ultrasonic Concept Ultrasound or ultrasonic sound waves was probably invented even before humans existed on this planet by a few of […]