The IC 4017 is a versatile counter divider IC which can be applied for making many different interesting electronic circuits. In this post I have explained about a few useful yet simple 4017 IC circuits and projects, assorted and compiled from this blog. How to Understand IC 4017 Pinouts Before we delve into the many […]
Mini Projects
How to Make IC LM339 Circuits
The IC LM 339 is primarily created to compare two input voltages and generate a corresponding output. Having said that, before we try to learn regarding the various LM339 based circuits, it would be important to go through the standard features of the LM339. It is basically a quad comparator IC, meaning we can find […]
10 Simple IC 555 Monostable Circuits Explored
In this post I have explained how IC 555 can be used for making 10 different types of monostable multivibrator circuits, such as one-shot type, debounce preventor, retriggerable type, touch switch monostable circuit and many more. A monotsable multivibrator circuit is a configuration in which, a short momentary pulse at the input of the circuit […]
Simple FET Circuits and Projects
The Field-Effect Transistor or the FET is a 3 terminal semiconductor device which is used for switching high power DC loads through negligible power inputs. The FET comes with some unique features such as a high input impedance (in the megohms) and with almost zero loading on a signal source or the attached preceding stage. […]
Basic Electronic Circuits Explained
The article below comprehensively discusses all the basic facts, theories and information regarding the working and use of common electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, transistors, MOSFETs, UJTs, triacs, SCRs. The various small basic electronic circuits explained here can be effectively applied as building blocks or modules for creating multistage circuits, by integrating the designs […]
LM10 Op Amp Application Circuits – Works with 1.1 V
The LM10 is a pioneering operational amplifier designed to operate from single ended power inputs with voltages as low as 1.1V, and up to as high as 40V. As can be witnessed in Figure 1, the device consists of an op amp, a precision 200 mV band-gap voltage reference, and a reference amplifier, all encased […]