If you are looking for high current transistors in the range of 50 amps with a complementary pair, then you can try these Darlington transistors MJ11032 and MJ11033. The MJ11032 transistor is a Darlington NPN power transistor while the MJ11033 is its complementary PNP transistor which is also a Darlington power BJT.
Main features
The main features of the MJ11032 MJ11033 complementary Darlington pair transistors are as given below:
- High DC current gain of 1000 hFE minimum when the collector is operated at 25 amp DC
- DC current gain capacity may be reduced to 400 hFE, if the collector current rises to 50 amp DC
- The transistor is able to handle up to 100 amp if the current is in the pulsed manner
- Internal protection diode are provided to the transistors for protection against inductive transients.
- The monolithic design of the BJTs also include internal base/emitter shunt resistor to limit maximum base current.
- The 50 amp transistors are rated to handle junction temperatures as high 200 degrees Celsius
- Total power dissipation or power handling capacity without heatsink is 300 watts
Pinout Diagram
The pinout connections for the 50 amp MJ11032, MJ11033 complementary transistors can be seen in the following images:
Maximum Tolerable Rating
The maximum tolerable rating of transistors mainly refers to the maximum amount of voltage and current the devices can tolerate at 25 degrees Celsius ambient temperature. The following table shows the maximum tolerable voltage and current limits of the 50 amp transistors MJ11032, MJ11033.
Complete datasheet can be downloaded from the following link
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