In this post I have explained how an effective and efficient, yet very cheap, and stabilized bench power supply can be designed by any electronic hobbyist for safely testing all types electronic projects and prototypes. The main features that a bench power supply must have are: General Description The majority of the power supply designs […]
Power Supply Circuits
Modifying XL4015 Buck Converter with an Adjustable Current Limiter
In this post I have explained a simple way to enhance the the XL4015 DC to DC buck converter with an adjustable current limiter, which seems to be missing in the original module. About XL4015 The XL4015 is a 180 KHz fixed frequency PWM buck (step-down) DC/DC converter, specially designed for operating a 5 V, […]
How an Autotransformer Works – How to Make
An autotransformer is an electrical transformer which consists of only a single, continuous, non-isolated winding, with tapped terminals across various points of the winding. The winding section between the taps that correspond to the mains AC is applied with the mains AC supply, while the remaining taps are used for getting the desired output voltages, […]
How IC LM337 Works: Datasheet, Application Circuits
In this post I will talk about the function of an interesting voltage regulator device: The LM337, which is basically the negative complementary device for the popular LM317 IC. Built with an adjustable 3-terminal negative voltage, this regulator can conveniently supply around 1.5 A with an output voltage range of -1.2 V to -37 V. […]
Soft-Start Power Supply for Amplifier Loudspeakers
The proposed slow-start power supply circuit is specially designed for power amplifiers to ensure that the loudspeaker connected with the amplifier do not generate the loud and unwanted “thump” sound during power switch ON. This also implies that the power supply will safeguard or protect the loudspeaker from the sudden inrush current transient from the […]
Simple Low Dropout Regulator Circuits Explained
The transistorized low dropout voltage regulator circuit ideas explained in the following article can be used for getting stabilized output voltages right from 3 V and above, such as 5 V, 8 V, 9 V, 12 V, etc with an extremely low dropout of 0.1 V. For example, if you make the proposed 5 V […]