In this post I have explained a circuit which can be used for controlling 1 to 8 appliances with a single RF 433MHz remote control handset. Now you can control fans, lights ACs, oven etc within a range of 50 meters with the same remote. In a few of my earlier posts I have comprehensively […]
Search Results for: remote
Remote Controlled Submersible Pump Circuit
In this article I have explained a simple remote controlled submersible pump circuit which could be simply configured using any standard 2 channel 433MHz remote control modules. The idea was requested by Mr. James Smith Circuit Objectives and Requirements I have read a lot of your post and have successfully implemented them several times. Now […]
RC Helicopter Remote Control Circuit
In this post I have explained a simple RC helicopter remote control circuit using 433kHz RF modules, without any microcontroller or complex joystick implementations. The idea was requested by Mr. Jitendra. Circuit Objectives and Requirements I am making a large scale RC helicopter. In which I am using 4 motors. For 1st main 12v motor: […]
433 MHz Remote Infrared Wireless Alarm
A simple infrared wireless alarm circuit can be built using an 433 MHz RF remote control unit a TSOP based IR sensor, I have explained the procedures in detail. In a few of the other posts I have discussed regarding these RF remote control modules. For more info you may go through the following relevant […]
How to Trigger a Camera Remotely without Physical Presence
In this article I have explained a simple RF remote control circuit which can be used for activating a digital camera remotely, by a press of a button. The idea was requested by Mr. Pat Circuit Objectives and Requirements I’m Pat, from France. Congratulations for your blog & website about electronic’s devices : it’s the […]
Quadcopter Remote Control Circuit without MCU
Although a quadcopter remote control circuits can be very easily procured from the market or from any online store, an avid electronic hobbyist is never allowed to learn how actually these function and whether or not these can be built at home? In this article I have explained how to build a simple quadcopter remote […]